Thursday 30 April 2015

Time, gentlemen

Time, gentlemen

When will the last all-male clubs admit women?
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The London bus: Britain’s most iconic design?

The London bus: Britain’s most iconic design?

Beloved by locals and tourists alike, London’s red bus has endured to become synonymous with the city.
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What's at Stake as the Supreme Court Returns to Gay Marriage

What's at Stake as the Supreme Court Returns to Gay Marriage

Just two years ago, the Supreme Court debated the constitutional implications of same-sex marriage. As it returned to the issue Tuesday, the underlying facts that it will take into consideration have changed substantially. When the court heard arguments on two cases in March of 2013, gay marriage was still a live issue. Just 11 states recognized same-sex marriage, while a majority of Americans had only recently begun to tell pollsters that they approved.
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Are You A Good Citizen?: China To Issue Its People A "Social Rating" Based On Collection Of Big Data

Are You A Good Citizen?: China To Issue Its People A "Social Rating" Based On Collection Of Big Data

The collection of big data by governments is one of the largest threats to liberty.
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Lenin's Body Improves with Age

Lenin's Body Improves with Age

For thousands of years humans have used embalming methods to preserve dead bodies. But nothing compares with Russia's 90-year-old experiment to preserve the body of Vladimir Lenin, communist revolutionary and founder of the Soviet Union. Generations of Russian scientists have spent almost a century fine-tuning preservation techniques that have maintained the look, feel and flexibility of Lenin's body.
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The New Wave of Ultra-Violent Ugandan DIY Action Cinema: Wakaliwood

The New Wave of Ultra-Violent Ugandan DIY Action Cinema: Wakaliwood

In the Ugandan slum of Wakaliga, a thriving action film industry called Wakaliwood has emerged. Mixing elements of Western action films and Chinese Kung Fu movies with Ugandan culture, Wakaliwood’s films have garnered a cult following not just in in Uganda, but all over the world. We spend a day on the set of the next Wakaliwood hit.
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Why Buy the Hardware When China Is Getting the IP for Free?

Why Buy the Hardware When China Is Getting the IP for Free?

IBM is sharing proprietary technology with Beijing in exchange for market access. Is it savvy or suicide?
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Wednesday 29 April 2015

Facebook's login system is being hijacked by China's Great Firewall

Facebook's login system is being hijacked by China's Great Firewall

For the last three days, China's Great Firewall has been intercepting the Javascript module from Facebook Login, which allows third-party sites to authorize users through Facebook infrastructure. First reported on Sunday, the attack causes sites using Facebook Login to redirect to a third-party page for many web users in China. "This behavior is occurring locally and beyond the reach of our servers," a Facebook spokesperson told The Verge. "We are investigating the situation."
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Canadian Immigrants Interactive Map

Canadian Immigrants Interactive Map

This interactive map illustrates the immigrants that are most common in Canada by census division. You’ve certainly heard of Vancouver’s Chinatown. And Montreal could not truly be La Belle Ville without its Little Italy. But how about Toronto’s vibrant Little Jamaica, known for its jerk chicken street BBQs and famous barbershops? Or Laval’s growing Little Lebanon, which is increasingly drawing Arabic-speaking immigrants away from St. Laurent in neighbouring Montreal?
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New bank fees target kids' accounts and allow 'double-dipping,' say customers

New bank fees target kids' accounts and allow 'double-dipping,' say customers

Banking fees are going up at all of Canada's five big banks, but some customers of RBC in particular are outraged about the changes. They're accusing Canada's biggest bank of targeting children and those who can least afford it.​
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The War Nerd: The Art of Turf War

The War Nerd: The Art of Turf War

There’s a war on now in South African cities, but no one’s calling it what it is. South Africans, mostly Zulu, are attacking shops run by foreigners, driving the aliens (mostly Zimbabwean, Somali, ...
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Asne Seierstad’s ‘One of Us,’ About Rampage in Norway

Asne Seierstad’s ‘One of Us,’ About Rampage in Norway

“One of Us” explores a dark side of contemporary Scandinavia through the life and crimes of Anders Behring Breivik, a mass murderer who killed 77 people, most of them teenagers.
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Kayaking Through the Largest Urban Bat Colony in the World

Kayaking Through the Largest Urban Bat Colony in the World

The world's largest urban bat colony is in a rather peculiar place. Find out which major city houses over a million bats every summe
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Inside the Mussolini Museum

Inside the Mussolini Museum

Every year around Italy’s April 25 liberation day festivities, a group of unapologetic Italians hold a commemoration of their own—they mark the death of Benito Mussolini, who was killed on April 28, 1945, in Giulina di Mezzegra in northern Italy. But it is not to celebrate the event. In what is becoming a trend in Mussolini nostalgia, a growing number of Italians are finding the bright side of a very dark chapter in Italian history. Commemorating Mussolini is not entirely new in Italy.
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Game of Fear

Game of Fear

The Story Behind GamerGate. By Zachary Jason .
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Tuesday 28 April 2015

Vietnam 40 years On: How a Communist Victory Gave Way to Capitalist Corruption

Vietnam 40 years On: How a Communist Victory Gave Way to Capitalist Corruption

After the military victory, Vietnam’s socialist model began to collapse. Cut off by US-led trade embargos and denied reconstruction aid, it plunged into poverty. Now its economy is booming – but so is inequality and corruption
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Australian rugby player gives incredible interview that's impossible to understand

Australian rugby player gives incredible interview that's impossible to understand

Meet Nick "Honey Badger" Cummins, an Australian rugby union player for the Western Force. Here are a few of the things we believe Cummins said in a stellar postgame interview. 1. "I sound like I've...
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Uber Says It Can Deliver Food in NYC in 10 Minutes

Uber Says It Can Deliver Food in NYC in 10 Minutes

Starting in New York and Chicago, Uber says its drivers will deliver you grub wherever you are in 10 minutes or less.
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Don't Believe Everything You Read: Lower Fuel Prices Aren't Why U.S. Airlines Are Earning Big Profits

Don't Believe Everything You Read: Lower Fuel Prices Aren't Why U.S. Airlines Are Earning Big Profits

The nation’s largest airlines last week reported ridiculous – for them – first-quarter profits. And it had far less to do with the price of oil and jet fuel than you’ve probably read. Oh, to be sure, a 43 percent drop in the price of a gallon of jet fuel in the first quarter this year vs. the first quarter of 2014 is noteworthy and important.
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The Exile of the Bohemians

The Exile of the Bohemians

Can our gentrifying cities keep their artists? Should we care?
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The Great African Rip-Off

The Great African Rip-Off

I am a refugee in my own country,” says Betty Pascal, forty-two, her dull and listless eyes revealing only exhaustion, physically and spiritually. She sits in front of her family’s makeshift home, a tent-like structure made from grass and sticks, covered with a white tarp that seems insufficient for the heavy rains of the season.
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The Dying Sea

The Dying Sea

There is a place in the California desert where a pipe pokes out from a berm made of broken concrete and delivers freshwater to a dying sea. I stood there recently, on a beach of crumbled barnacles, and watched it gush. The sea was the dull blue of a cataract, surrounded by small volcanoes, bubbling mud pots, and ragged, blank mountains used for bombing practice by the Navy and the Marines. The air smelled sweet and vaguely spoiled, like a dog that has got into something on a hot day.
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This movie was shot during our 20 days trip to Antarctica in December 2014 to January 2015. We started from Ushuaia in Argentina and went to Port Williams in Chile, rounded Cape Horn and crossed the Drake Passage towards the Melchior Islands in Antarctica. We spent 16 days in the Antarctic and got to experience the most amazing scenery and wildlife before we returned back to Ushuaia.
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Obama offers weapons-for-consent deal to Saudis and Israelis

Obama offers weapons-for-consent deal to Saudis and Israelis

The president pledges weapons in return for support of his deal with Iran.
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The Overwhelming Calm of Kyoto’s Buddhist Temples

The Overwhelming Calm of Kyoto’s Buddhist Temples

Jacqueline Hassink’s work often explores public and private spaces absent of a human presence, from the boardrooms of Europe’s largest corporations to the fitting rooms of haute couture designers. Last year, Hassink completed a 10-year series with a focus on the Zen Buddhist temples and gardens found in Kyoto, Japan.
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The Oregon Trail Generation: Life Before and After Mainstream Tech

The Oregon Trail Generation: Life Before and After Mainstream Tech

We’re an enigma, those of us born at the tail end of the 70s and the start of the 80s. Some of the “generational” experts lazily glob us on to Generation X, and others just shove us over to the Millennials they love to hate – no one really gets us or knows where we belong. We’ve been called Generation Catalano, Xennials, and The Lucky Ones, but no name has really stuck for this strange micro-generation that has both a healthy portion of Gen X grunge cynicism, and a dash of...
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Monday 27 April 2015

How Warhol’s Work Influenced Our Wardrobes

How Warhol’s Work Influenced Our Wardrobes

Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans was mocked when first exhibited – but the work went on to have a lasting impact not only on art, but on the way we dress.
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[Hong Kong’s] Occupy insiders give their verdict on the protests

[Hong Kong’s] Occupy insiders give their verdict on the protests

The Occupy movement marked a coming of age for Hong Kong's 'millennials', often referred to as strawberries: self-centred, faint-hearted and easily bruised. Mary Hui talks to three women who have helped redefine a generation
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Ameneh Bahrami: was I right to pardon the man who blinded me with acid?

Ameneh Bahrami: was I right to pardon the man who blinded me with acid?

One autumn afternoon 10 years ago, Ameneh Bahrami was leaving work in Tehran when she was confronted by a young man she had repeatedly refused to marry. The stubborn suitor, unable to cope with rejection, had pestered and threatened her many times before that day, but she had no idea what he was about to do.
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Downstream: A History and Celebration of Swimming the River Thames

Downstream: A History and Celebration of Swimming the River Thames

Caitlin Davies offers fascinating stories of those who have braved – naked or not – the chilly waters of the Thames, from Dickens to David Walliams.
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Teen liposuction and busty pinatas: narcoaesthetics in Colombia

Teen liposuction and busty pinatas: narcoaesthetics in Colombia

In Colombia, girls grow up in a world where they are seen as decorative objects – and where plastic surgery rules. For her new photoessay Beauties, Manuela Henao captures the teenagers shelling out fortunes for buttock implants, nose jobs and new breasts.
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French Intelligence Bill: A Minority Report

French Intelligence Bill: A Minority Report

Following the terrorist attacks that occurred in Paris earlier this year, the French government is proposing a bill that will, supposedly, improve the control...
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Ingenious: David Krakauer

Ingenious: David Krakauer

The systems theorist explains what’s wrong with standard models of intelligence.
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David Beckham planning 40th birthday party in Morocco

David Beckham planning 40th birthday party in Morocco

David Beckham is to celebrate his 40th birthday by flying his family and close friends out to Morocco.
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Why are you still here?

Why are you still here?

In Grimsby, the former fishing capital of England, sandpipers scurry across the tarmac of derelict streets. The sandpiper isn’t a creature of asphalt and paving. It’s a small white-breasted bird usually to be found foraging on British foreshores in groups of twenty or so, scuttling...
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Sunday 26 April 2015

Cause Behind African Migrant Flood Has Terrifying Implications for the World

Cause Behind African Migrant Flood Has Terrifying Implications for the World

The migrant crisis in the Mediterranean is symptomatic of deep dislocation in the Sahel and Sub-Saharan Africa -- dislocation which is exacerbated by climate change.
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Getting Aid to a War Zone in a Swarm of Drones

Getting Aid to a War Zone in a Swarm of Drones

A swarm of tiny drones has been developed by a US Air Force pilot in the hope that they will deliver aid into war torn Syria - 1kg at a time.
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How a Long-Lost L.A. Home Was Found 1,770 Miles Away

How a Long-Lost L.A. Home Was Found 1,770 Miles Away

On a fall afternoon in 1971, Gail Hartwig and her husband, Don, drove out of their farm, northwest of Edmonton, Canada, to run an errand. As they rode along, a goat in the back of the family pickup truck peered over the tailgate, craning its neck to get a better view of the passing scenery. The goat, a recent prizewinner at the local fair, was being delivered to Gail’s friend Carol Turner. “Such is the life of country people,” Gail says today with a laugh.
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Putin’s Way

Putin’s Way

FRONTLINE investigates the accusations of criminality and corruption that have surrounded Vladimir Putin’s reign in Russia.
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Slow Fashion Shows Consumers What It's Made Of

Slow Fashion Shows Consumers What It's Made Of

It has been two years since more than 1,100 workers were killed in a garment factory collapse in Bangladesh. "Ethical fashion" is gaining momentum — though what that means depends on whom you ask.
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Remembering Web 1.0’s Click + Drag Subculture

Remembering Web 1.0’s Click + Drag Subculture

Modems in the club? Why not?
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Saturday 25 April 2015

Spying Close to Home: German Intelligence Under Fire for NSA Cooperation

Spying Close to Home: German Intelligence Under Fire for NSA Cooperation

US intelligence spent years spying on European targets from a secretive base. Now, it seems that German intelligence was aware of the espionage -- and did nothing to stop it.
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The Only Free-Range Herd of Reindeer in Canada

The Only Free-Range Herd of Reindeer in Canada

For the past two years, Canadian photographer Nicolas Dory has documented the annual migration of the country’s only free-range herd of reindeer, which consists of about 3,000 animals. After Canada’s caribou population began to decline in the early 1900s, US and Canada partnered together to help the Inuvialuit population of the Mackenzie Delta avoid food shortage. In 1929, 3,440 reindeer were imported to Canada through Alaska from Scandinavia.
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Smart guns: They’re ready. Are we?

Smart guns: They’re ready. Are we?

The technology is available to limit the number of children who perish in gun accidents. That was the easy part. Doug, who runs the website, asks us not to use his last name or to identify the town where he works. “I’m just in Nebraska,” he says. “What’s on the website,” he continues, “that’s the information that can be given out. I just want to see where it’s going to go. Take baby steps. Move forward as it progresses.”
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The Yard For Red Phone Boxes That Ring No More

The Yard For Red Phone Boxes That Ring No More

The number of red phone boxes has fallen sharply as BT's sold thousands off. Where have they gone?
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Bitter Cucumbers

Bitter Cucumbers

The Birth of a Tragedy. An excerpt from the upcoming graphic novel by Séra. [PDF]
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The Rat Paths of New York

The Rat Paths of New York

How the city’s animals get where they’re going.
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Friday 24 April 2015

Terror attacks skyrocket in Egypt – and across the globe

Terror attacks skyrocket in Egypt – and across the globe

Six new terrorist organizations have emerged in Egypt since 2011.
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A Strangely Funny Russian Genius by Ian Frazier

A Strangely Funny Russian Genius by Ian Frazier

Given the disaster Russian history has been more or less continuously for the last five centuries, its humor is of the darkest, most extreme kind. Russian humor is to ordinary humor what backwoods fundamentalist poisonous snake handling is to a petting zoo. Russian humor is slapstick, only you actually die.
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The Sexists at the Top of Wikipedia

The Sexists at the Top of Wikipedia

By Mark Devlin
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