Monday 30 November 2015

An expansive photo record of Native American life in the early 1900s

An expansive photo record of Native American life in the early 1900s

Edward S. Curtis spent more than 20 years documenting over 80 tribes across North America.
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New German Police Gear Can't Protect Them From Ridicule

New German Police Gear Can't Protect Them From Ridicule

May the Schwartz be with you.
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Liberal MP Mauril Bélanger diagnosed with incurable Lou Gehrig's disease

Liberal MP Mauril Bélanger diagnosed with incurable Lou Gehrig's disease

Mauril Bélanger, MP for the riding of Ottawa-Vanier, is withdrawing his candidacy for speaker of the House of Commons after being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. The disease is incurable.
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Birds Accidentally Preserved Historic Documents

Birds Accidentally Preserved Historic Documents

Swifts and jackdaws gathered money, contracts, and letters to build their nests—and preserved a slice of life from 200 years ago.
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The Internet Isn't Available in Most Languages

The Internet Isn't Available in Most Languages

Despite all the hype about how it has connected the world, the web is more insular than you might think.
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11 of Britain's most legendary trees

11 of Britain's most legendary trees

Will the saplings we plant during National Tree Week’s 40th anniversary grow to have such amazing stories to tell as these magnificent specimens?
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How do you prove you are gay? A culture of disbelief is traumatising asylum seekers

How do you prove you are gay? A culture of disbelief is traumatising asylum seekers

People who have been persecuted because of their sexuality are facing Home Office officials who refuse to believe them, use explicit questioning and make stereotyped assumptions. Article by Debora Singer.
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Sunday 29 November 2015

Contemporary Artist Hiroshi Sugimoto Brings Puppets to Life

Contemporary Artist Hiroshi Sugimoto Brings Puppets to Life

Hiroshi Sugimoto began his career in 1976 as a photographer and his conceptual works were critically acclaimed around the world. In recent years, he has expanded his field of work to sculpture, architecture, and traditional performing arts solidifying his position as one of Japan’s premiere contemporary artists. Sugimoto is currently working with bunraku puppetry, a type of traditional Japanese entertainment.
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In Brazil, Subway Reading Means a Ticket to Ride

In Brazil, Subway Reading Means a Ticket to Ride

These books encourage reading by doubling as subway tickets. Article by Danny Lewis.
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Oscar Wilde’s Mom was a Feminist Irish Revolutionary Poet

Oscar Wilde’s Mom was a Feminist Irish Revolutionary Poet

Though overshadowed by her famous son, Lady Jane Wilde was a force to be reckoned with. Article by Caroline Wazer.
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29th November 1929 - Byrd flies over South Pole

29th November 1929 - Byrd flies over South Pole

American explorer Richard Byrd and three companions make the first flight over the South Pole, flying from their base on the Ross Ice Shelf to the pole and back in 18 hours and 41 minutes.
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Hwang Sun-mi, deconstructed

Hwang Sun-mi, deconstructed

Famed children’s author pens poignant, sublime tales from her own impoverished childhood.
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Didgeridoo Meets Orchestra

Didgeridoo Meets Orchestra

William Barton, a Kalkadoon man, one of the greatest living players of the didgeridoo plays a Peter Sculthorpe composition with the Australian Youth Orchestra.
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Charlie McMahon LIVE!

Charlie McMahon LIVE!

Rare footage of this great didgeridoo player who fronted Gondawanaland in the 90's. This set was in Tokyo.
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Street wise with Jesse Marlow

Street wise with Jesse Marlow

With well over a decade of professional experience, Marlow shares his top tips for capturing powerful street photography images.
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An Ancient Chinese Ginkgo Tree Drops an Ocean of Golden Leaves

An Ancient Chinese Ginkgo Tree Drops an Ocean of Golden Leaves

This towering ginkgo tree is located within the walls of the Gu Guanyin Buddhist Temple in the Zhongnan Mountains in China. Every autumn the green leaves on the 1,400-year-old tree turn bright yellow and fall into a golden heap on the temple grounds drawing tourists from the surrounding area.
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Why does culture sometimes evolve via sudden bursts of innovation?

Why does culture sometimes evolve via sudden bursts of innovation?

Not all technologies are created equal. Researchers devised a new model to explain why, after eons of nothing much new, we sometimes see an explosion of innovation in the archaeological record.
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No Fixed Address ~ We Have Survived (Official Video) ~ Australian Reggae - 1982

No Fixed Address ~ We Have Survived (Official Video) ~ Australian Reggae - 1982

"We have survived the white man's world - and you know - you can't change that" This band played in a pub in Adelaide - a good match for Bob Marley on the night.
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The Recent Aspects of Volcanic and Seismic Activity in Japan

The Recent Aspects of Volcanic and Seismic Activity in Japan

Japan is the only major economic power in the world prone to both volcanic and seismic activities. Home to only 0.25% of the world’s land area, Japan has 7% of the world’s active volcanoes. Moreover, about 10% of all earthquakes occur in and around Japan. These are the reasons why Japan is very scenic and has many hot springs.
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Saturday 28 November 2015

The Light

The Light

Producer Rikke Houd and illustrator Anthony Calvert tell the story of Pat Herbert, founder of the Hurdy Gurdy Museum in Ireland, recalling the time he heard radio for the very first time.
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These photos are why I’m trapped in Tokyo forever now

These photos are why I’m trapped in Tokyo forever now

A gallery of all the cyberpunk deliciousness and futurism one can run into in Tokyo
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Andreas Gursky: The bigger the better?

Andreas Gursky: The bigger the better?

Andreas Gurksy’s monumental photographs fill the viewer with awe – but are huge works like his still relevant in the age of the smartphone camera?
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Drowning Megacities. On the frontline of the African climate battle

Drowning Megacities. On the frontline of the African climate battle

Sub-Saharan Africa is the part of the world most affected by the dual pressure of climate change and the rapid, uncontrolled transformation of its cities into megacities.
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Is A British Program Spotting Radicals Or Alienating Muslims?

Is A British Program Spotting Radicals Or Alienating Muslims?

The British government is trying to stop terrorism with a program called Prevent. Teachers, doctors and others are obliged to report suspicious behavior but many worry it's creating a culture of fear.
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A Slippery Number: How Many Books Can Fit in the New York Public Library?

A Slippery Number: How Many Books Can Fit in the New York Public Library?

Estimates for the capacity of the old shelves at the library have ranged widely, and critics are skeptical of a new 2.5 million figure.
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The Art of Homemaking in a World War Dugout

The Art of Homemaking in a World War Dugout

Even amidst the unimaginable horrors of war, there’s just something so relatable about bringing the comforts of home into such an unlikely setting...
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Police rush in after man heard screaming 'I'm going to kill you'; discover noise caused by him attacking spider

Police rush in after man heard screaming 'I'm going to kill you'; discover noise caused by him attacking spider

Officers in Sydney respond to reports of man shouting threats and furniture being thrown – only to find a ‘quite embarrassed’ man on his own in an apartment
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Massive 'development corridors' in Africa could spell environmental disaster

Massive 'development corridors' in Africa could spell environmental disaster

"One of the key justifications for these corridors is to ramp up farm and food production, but in fact it appears that massive mining investments--securing access to high-volume minerals such as iron ore and coal--are actually a key driver for a number of the corridors,"
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Hubris by Alistair Horne

Hubris by Alistair Horne

Horne’s thesis is that each major military victory begets hubris by the victors toward the defeated, leading to embarrassing defeats that often turn the tide of major campaigns of war. For instance, in the first battle described in Hubris, the naval battle of Tsushima, the Russians believed that their naval colossus would crush the tiny Island of Japan, which they considered to be a barely worthy foe in the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05.
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Midnight Oil & Warumpi - Blackfella-Whitefella & Dead Heart

Midnight Oil & Warumpi - Blackfella-Whitefella & Dead Heart

Midnight Oil was known for its intense live performances, and its political activism, particularly in aid of environmentalist causes.The Warumpi Band is an Australian band from the bush, coming from the Northern Territory, Australia.
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Paris Attacks Plot Was Hatched in Plain Sight

Paris Attacks Plot Was Hatched in Plain Sight

Three days before the attacks that ripped through Paris, Djazira Boulanger handed the keys to her row house, across the street from a kindergarten, to a guest who had booked it over the website His name was Brahim Abdeslam. She didn’t know that Mr. Abdeslam was a central figure in plotting the deadly assault. As Ms. Boulanger tended to her two young children at home, authorities say Mr. Abdeslam and a band of cohorts were down the street preparing...
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Moon Over McMurdo

Moon Over McMurdo

The interface between water and ice on the underside of the McMurdo Ice Shelf is where Antarctica and Europa intersect in terms of how conditions at the former may help future exploration of Jupiter’s icy moon nearly 400 million miles away. New AUV represents leap forward in under-ice exploration.
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Sarcophagus of ‘high priest’ unearthed in Luxor

Sarcophagus of ‘high priest’ unearthed in Luxor

Egypt's Antiquities Minister Dr. Eldamaty announced today the discovery of the intact burial place with a coffin of a (Priest) of Amun-Re, King of the Gods who carried the name " Ankhef in Khunsu", inside the tomb of the Vizier Amenhotep, Huy number 28 in Asasif (Luxor).
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Took the Children Away by Archie Roach

Took the Children Away by Archie Roach

In Iconic Songs on Thursday 25 August on STVDIO, Archie talks about his own experience as one of the Stolen Generation, and how writing Took the Children Away song helped to heal the pain. Then he and long-time friends Shane Howard and Neil Murray perform a heart-breaking acoustic rendition of the song.
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Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Atomic Message

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Atomic Message

70 years after the US dropped nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the real reasons behind the decision still divide historians.
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The Route of the Original American Road Trip Route Is Disappearing

The Route of the Original American Road Trip Route Is Disappearing

In the past 15 years, while hunting for missing pieces of the Old Spanish Trail, Charlotte Kahl would sometimes find herself following pick-up trucks.
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Sic Semper Tyrannis: Russia and Turkey’s foreign policy objectives in Syria (by CP)

Sic Semper Tyrannis: Russia and Turkey’s foreign policy objectives in Syria (by CP)

The probably deliberate shootdown of the Su-24 over Syria by Turkey has underlined that Russia in Syria is vulnerable, despite Russia's great power. Russia is for one hobbled by geography, and Russia is also vulnerable to relative local superiority of forces of opposing nations like Turkey...
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The vanishing words we need to save

The vanishing words we need to save

Robert Macfarlane collects words that describe nature – and which are dying out. On the eve of the Paris climate talks, he explains how saving this language could save us all.
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Time travel

Time travel

An isochronic map shows where to go, how long it took to get there – and what changes were on the way
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Asylum: inside the haunting world of 19th-century mental hospitals.

Asylum: inside the haunting world of 19th-century mental hospitals.

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Brazil dam burst: environmental crisis reaches Atlantic in pictures

Brazil dam burst: environmental crisis reaches Atlantic in pictures

A mudslide at an iron ore mine in Brazil, in which at least 13 people died, has reignited calls for safer ways to dispose of millions of tonnes of waste as toxic mud leaks into the Atlantic ocean
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Friday 27 November 2015

Dublin cafe 3fe offers 'water tasting menu' for €3.50

Dublin cafe 3fe offers 'water tasting menu' for €3.50

A coffee revolution has been in full swing right across Ireland for a few years now. Not only are Irish coffee connoisseurs keenly aware of where they can get their favourite coffee, they’re also curious how it’s brewed and who's brewing it. Now, wait for it, one of Dublin’s coffee hotspots has a “water tasting menu” on offer. For €3.50, water tasters can have four shots of water.
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A New Look at Japan's Unit 731 Wartime Atrocities and a U.S. Cover-Up

A New Look at Japan's Unit 731 Wartime Atrocities and a U.S. Cover-Up

After the war, the United States covered up Japan’s biological warfare research on humans, allowing the perpetrators to escape punishment and to prosper. That is detailed prominently in exhibition notes and an audio guide in the black marble building that lies like a split box here in Pingfang, on the edge of Harbin in northeast China: “Out of considerations of its national security, the U.S. decided not to prosecute the leader of Unit 731 and the criminals under him."
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Inside Story - Who is buying ISIL's oil?

Inside Story - Who is buying ISIL's oil?

Who are the individuals and groups involved in refining and selling ISIL's oil? And where does that oil end up? Presenter Hazem SikaGuests talks to Shwan Zulal, managing Director of Carduchi Consulting; Carole Nakhle, Director of Crystol Energy; and Afshin Shahi, director of the Centre for the Study of Political Islam.
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'Black Dragon River' Charts History Along the Amur

'Black Dragon River' Charts History Along the Amur

Dominic Ziegler's thrillingly thorough geo-history follows the Amur River from its origin on the Mongolian steppes, along the Trans-Siberian Railway and through centuries of Eurasian history.
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Robots and the future of agriculture

Robots and the future of agriculture

Farming in the 20th century was about bigger paddocks and ever bigger machinery, but a new generation of producers sees merit in keeping it small and smart. Modern robotics promises to transform our agricultural sector and address labour shortages.
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WarGames for real: How one 1983 exercise nearly triggered WWIII

WarGames for real: How one 1983 exercise nearly triggered WWIII

"Let's play Global Thermonuclear War." Thirty-two years ago, just months after the release of the movie WarGames, the world came the closest it ever has to nuclear Armageddon. In the movie version of a global near-death experience, a teenage hacker messing around with an artificial intelligence program that just happened to control the American nuclear missile force unleashes chaos. In reality, a very different computer program run by the Soviets fed growing paranoia...
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India's Quandary: Climate Change And Coal

India's Quandary: Climate Change And Coal

Coal is king in India. Some say there's little alternative. So how can this country, the world's third-largest polluter, provide energy and lift millions from poverty while trying to become "greener"?
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Why I'm buying nothing for a year – no clothes, no holidays, no coffee ...

Why I'm buying nothing for a year – no clothes, no holidays, no coffee ...

Inspired by the Black Friday counter-movement Buy Nothing Day, I want to see if I can go a whole 12 months without spending on anything but bills and food
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The story of a radicalisation: 'I was not thinking my thoughts. I was not myself'

The story of a radicalisation: 'I was not thinking my thoughts. I was not myself'

Maysa, a teenager from Brussels, was a music fan and a ‘ray of sunshine’ at school. But an encounter on social media had changed her within a year
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