Thursday 30 November 2017

I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.

I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.

Republicans are again sprinting toward an economic cliff.
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Photograph of Jefferson Davis in Women’s Clothing

Photograph of Jefferson Davis in Women’s Clothing

After the Civil War, popular prints and doctored photographs played on the idea that Confederate president Jefferson Davis had been arrested wearing women’s clothes. By Stassa Edwards.
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Wednesday 29 November 2017

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses

It’s unclear if they were from actual Russian citizens or computer bots originating in the U.S. or elsewhere.
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3,000 migrants died in Mediterranean this year

3,000 migrants died in Mediterranean this year

More than 3,000 migrants and refugees have died crossing the Mediterranean in a desperate bid to reach Europe's shores since the start of the year, the International Organization for Migration said Tuesday. The figure so far represents a 40 percent drop compared to last year's record of 5,000 known or suspected drownings. "That mark (was) probably passed sometime over last weekend," when more than 30 migrants died off the coast of Libya, IOM spokesman Joel Millman told reporters in Geneva.
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Tuesday 28 November 2017

GRAPHIC VIDEO: Body cam footage of NYPD shooting released

GRAPHIC VIDEO: Body cam footage of NYPD shooting released

The NYPD released body camera footage of an officer-involved shooting in Upper Manhattan last month. The incident happened October 22 at an apartment on West 143rd Street in Hamilton Heights. Two officers were responding to a call for a man who was attempting suicide. After knocking on Paris Cumming's door, the 27-year-old man charged at them with two knives.
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Monday 27 November 2017

Zondag Met Lubach s07e10

Zondag Met Lubach s07e10

De laatste van dit seizoen! Met onder andere de EMA, prins Bernhard jr's huizenmelkerij, en als grootste onderdeel: de zwartepietendiscussie.
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Mother who left baby outside New York restaurant in 1997 says arrest was unjust

Mother who left baby outside New York restaurant in 1997 says arrest was unjust

Anette Sørenson of Denmark says American parents ‘live in fear’, 20 years after case that shocked people in US and Denmark – for opposite reasons
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For the first time, a robot passed a medical licensing exam

For the first time, a robot passed a medical licensing exam

This robot won't be replacing doctors, however.
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New Zealand's latest police recruitment ad goes viral

New Zealand's latest police recruitment ad goes viral

An advertisement that shows the diversity of the force – and a cheeky sense of humour – has been released by New Zealand police
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Bedouins in Oman: A foot in two worlds

Bedouins in Oman: A foot in two worlds

As urbanisation creeps closer towards the desert, some fear that traditional culture is being left behind.
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Sunday 26 November 2017

How Yung Lean Outlived His Viral Moment

How Yung Lean Outlived His Viral Moment

Yung Lean’s career arc could double as a blueprint for young artists looking to grow past viral internet moments.
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Same Mistakes

Same Mistakes

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Where unsellable wine goes to die and become fuel for your car’s gas tank

Where unsellable wine goes to die and become fuel for your car’s gas tank

In the wine industry, when your product outweighs your demand, there are few ways to legally dispose of it. By John Capone.
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How to deradicalise a Nazi

How to deradicalise a Nazi

A former Nazi leader in Germany has developed a system to fight extremism. By Amelia Martyn-Hemphill.
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In Mexico, Not Dead. Not Alive. Just Gone

In Mexico, Not Dead. Not Alive. Just Gone

With the drug war’s “disappeared” numbering in the tens of thousands, some families take up the search for loved ones on their own. By Azam Ahmed.
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A cult of fakery has taken over what’s left of high culture

A cult of fakery has taken over what’s left of high culture

From pickled sharks to compositions in silence, fake ideas and fake emotions have elbowed out truth and beauty. By Roger Scruton.
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Little House, Small Government

Little House, Small Government

How Laura Ingalls Wilder’s frontier vision of freedom and survival lives on in Trump’s America. By Vivian Gornick.
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The Western Elite from a Chinese Perspective

The Western Elite from a Chinese Perspective

Is there someone, sitting in a comfortable chair somewhere, flipping a coin from time to time, deciding what happens in the world? By Puzhong Yao.
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Death by Derivatives

Death by Derivatives

The opening of a canal in 1848 led to the birth of modern financial derivatives, and the early demise of some of the men who traded them. By Michael Durbin.
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Saturday 25 November 2017

Egypt’s President al-Sisi facing serious questions about strategy to bring Isis hotspot Sinai under control

Egypt’s President al-Sisi facing serious questions about strategy to bring Isis hotspot Sinai under control

The Sinai mosque massacre proves what many have suspected for months in Egypt: that Isis – even without a direct claim yet –  is taking over the peninsula, targeting more and more of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s officers and police.  Thus proving that tactical defeat in Iraq and Syria means for Isis merely a change of location. By Robert Fisk.
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Without her groom, 'fierce' would-be bride poses in white dress, alone

Without her groom, 'fierce' would-be bride poses in white dress, alone

"I am still just as fierce as ever and refuse to let this define me...." Salgot of St. Clair Shores posted on Facebook.
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Zimbabwe: Five lessons from Uncle Bob

Zimbabwe: Five lessons from Uncle Bob

What Robert Mugabe’s long and eventful life can teach us. By Elsie Eyakuze.
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Nationhood, identity, anxiety: on Frenchness

Nationhood, identity, anxiety: on Frenchness

The Histoire mondiale opens the door to that most alluring of prospects: a genuinely universal republican vision of Frenchness. By Sudhir Hazareesingh.
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Brexiters behave as if Britain was being forced to leave the EU

Brexiters behave as if Britain was being forced to leave the EU

Brexiters bemoan the failure of remainers to ‘get behind’ Brexit but they themselves seem singularly lacking in any big, coherent, optimistic, strategic or even enjoyable vision of Brexit. By Chris Grey.
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Miles From Flint, Residents Turn Off Taps in New Water Crisis

Miles From Flint, Residents Turn Off Taps in New Water Crisis

Waste from a shoe factory has tainted groundwater in a Grand Rapids suburb. Some residents are skeptical of Michigan officials, who botched the response in Flint.
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Dari Or Farsi? Afghanistan's Long-Simmering Language Dispute

Dari Or Farsi? Afghanistan's Long-Simmering Language Dispute

A language dispute has erupted in Afghanistan after the BBC labeled the Facebook page of its local service BBC Dari, a name rejected by Afghan Persian speakers who prefer their language to be known as Farsi.
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Friday 24 November 2017

How public art helped to shape New York

How public art helped to shape New York

The city installs more public art than any other in the world, and it serves developers as well as artists 
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Thanksgiving for Native Americans: Four Voices on a Complicated Holiday

Thanksgiving for Native Americans: Four Voices on a Complicated Holiday

A day of celebration and overeating is for some a time of mourning and a testament to the strength of a culture. By Julie Turkewitz.
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Lost medieval village discovered in Denmark

Lost medieval village discovered in Denmark

The village was described in written sources from the Middle Ages but archaeologists have only just found the site.
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Syria, ‘Experts’ and George Monbiot

Syria, ‘Experts’ and George Monbiot

Investigative journalist Gareth Porter has published two exclusives whose import is far greater than may be immediately apparent. They concern Israel’s bombing in 2007 of a supposed nuclear plant secretly built, according to a self-serving US and Israeli narrative, by Syrian leader Bashar Assad... By Jonathan Cook.
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Opinion | Our Elites Still Don’t Get It

Opinion | Our Elites Still Don’t Get It

On the interplay between freedom and responsibility.
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Thursday 23 November 2017

How Pumpkin Pie Sparked a 19th-Century Culture War

How Pumpkin Pie Sparked a 19th-Century Culture War

American politicians in the South blamed Thanksgiving for spreading Yankee values. By Ariel Knoebel.
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Ba®a©k Obama: The First Bank President™

Ba®a©k Obama: The First Bank President™

One of the very first meetings Obama had at the White House was with an array of banking executives where he hosted the thieves of Wall Street for a state dinner instead of locking them up in the gulags. By Teodrose Fikre.
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Tuesday 21 November 2017

What's Australia made of? Geologically, it depends on the state you're in

What's Australia made of? Geologically, it depends on the state you're in

The world's oldest known material is from Western Australia. But for much of Australia's geological past, the eastern states simply didn't exist. They're relative newcomers to our ancient continent.
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Meet the Man Who Has Lived Alone on This Island for 28 Years

Meet the Man Who Has Lived Alone on This Island for 28 Years

Mauro Morandi's failing catamaran was carried to Budelli Island nearly three decades ago by chance. He never left.
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Bumpy Ride

Bumpy Ride

Why America's roads are in tatters. By Dale Maharidge.
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Fourteen Words Even English Majors Aren’t Sure How To Pronounce

Fourteen Words Even English Majors Aren’t Sure How To Pronounce

Just in case you want to work “synecdoche” into casual conversation. By Alex Naidus.
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Travels in Belgium, the dysfunctional, fractured state at the heart of the EU

Travels in Belgium, the dysfunctional, fractured state at the heart of the EU

Donald Trump called Belgium a “beautiful city.” One British prime minister said that it was “not even a country.” By Matthew Engel.
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Monday 20 November 2017

The best meal you can buy for 13 cents

The best meal you can buy for 13 cents

India's latest politically linked canteens are named after a former PM, and offer delicious food.
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Cuphead and the Racist Spectre of Fleischer Art

Cuphead and the Racist Spectre of Fleischer Art

I see a game that's haunted by ghosts; the specter of black culture, appropriated first by the minstrel set then by the Fleischers, Disney and others. By Yussef Cole.
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Trump’s Saudi Scheme Unravels

Trump’s Saudi Scheme Unravels

President Trump and his son-in-law bet that the young Saudi crown prince could execute a plan to reshape the Mideast, but the scheme quickly unraveled revealing a dangerous amateur hour, writes ex-British diplomat Alastair Crooke.
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Australia: Fair!

Australia: Fair!

Jonathan Pie
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Funny Japanese Game Show Slippery Stairs

Funny Japanese Game Show Slippery Stairs

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Disunion: Remembering the Gettysburg Address

Disunion: Remembering the Gettysburg Address

Why was Lincoln’s famous speech overlooked for so long?
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Sunday 19 November 2017

Slavery Ensnares Thousands in U.K. Here’s One Teenage Girl’s Story.

Slavery Ensnares Thousands in U.K. Here’s One Teenage Girl’s Story.

Across Britain, vulnerable adults and children — both citizens and migrants — have become victims of modern slavery. A teenager trapped by a drug gang tells what happened to her.
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Never Bring Me Down

Never Bring Me Down

Kamilah Sumner
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How mid-2000s emo groomed underage girls and poisoned teen boys

How mid-2000s emo groomed underage girls and poisoned teen boys

“These men don’t want grown women. Grown woman see through their bullshit tortured genius messiah act. They want girls — in many cases, literal schoolgirls who are legally unable to give sexual consent.” By Sophie Benjamin.
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Yemen children are dying at a rate of 130 a day while Saudi-led blockade continues

Yemen children are dying at a rate of 130 a day while Saudi-led blockade continues

Save the Children say more than 50,000 children are believed to have died of hunger and disease in Yemen in 2017.
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