Saturday 31 March 2018

Building Community in Las Vegas with Airstreams

Building Community in Las Vegas with Airstreams

Constructed on the site of a former motel, the Downtown Project has attracted an eccentric mix of young residents, including musicians, families, and entrepreneurs.
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Poland’s Surprisingly Beautiful Cheese

Poland’s Surprisingly Beautiful Cheese

Oscypek, a golden-hued, spindle-shaped cheese, is as delicious as it is beautiful. But authentic versions are getting increasingly hard to find.
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They moved home plate! How baseball’s geography has evolved with the U.S.

They moved home plate! How baseball’s geography has evolved with the U.S.

Brookings Metro Rubenstein Fellow Jenny Scheutz and Cecile Murray examine how the geography of major league baseballs teams has been mirrored in the demographic and social trends of the US since 1950
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Friday 30 March 2018

Swedish Billboard is quite Literally for the Birds

Swedish Billboard is quite Literally for the Birds

How one company turned a building facade into a bustling bird buffet.
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Florida Photographer Captures the Stunning Beauty of the Everglades

Florida Photographer Captures the Stunning Beauty of the Everglades

Years of practice have made Paul Marcellini one of the state's best landscape photographers.
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The FCC's Evidence-Optional Blacklist Of Huawei Is About Protectionism, Not National Security

The FCC's Evidence-Optional Blacklist Of Huawei Is About Protectionism, Not National Security

Last week we noted that Best Buy was the latest to join a growing, evidence-optional blacklisting of Huawei based on ambiguous "national security" concerns. We also noted how despite a lot of hand-wringing on certain fronts for most of this...
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Consider a pilgrimage to one of these 10 places where tech changed the world

Consider a pilgrimage to one of these 10 places where tech changed the world

Tech innovation tour: Top 10 tech places to visit for career inspiration.Recharge your creative energy by checking out some sites where great ideas were born and nurtured.
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Thursday 29 March 2018

Mars One Is a "Money Grab" Where Everyone Loses

Mars One Is a "Money Grab" Where Everyone Loses

A three month investigation into the biggest scam in the universe.
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Parsons to Provide Engineering Support for Gordie Howe International Bridge Design-Build Project - Parsons

Parsons to Provide Engineering Support for Gordie Howe International Bridge Design-Build Project - Parsons

Parsons Inc. has been selected by the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority (WDBA) as Owner’s Engineer for the Gordie Howe International Bridge project, which will begin construction this year.
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Wednesday 28 March 2018

Teachers can’t afford Miami rents. The county has a plan: Let them live at school.

Teachers can’t afford Miami rents. The county has a plan: Let them live at school.

Miami-Dade’s school system and housing department have a plan to build low-rent apartments at Phillis Wheatley Elementary and at an expansion school at Southside Elementary in Miami. The rents would be targeted at teachers caught in a pricey real estate market.
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Trump treats Texas hurricane victims better than those from Puerto Rico

Trump treats Texas hurricane victims better than those from Puerto Rico

A new review illustrates how much more compassion Trump had for Texan hurricane victims than for Puerto Rican ones
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Tuesday 27 March 2018

Hotting up: how climate change could swallow Louisiana's Tabasco island

Hotting up: how climate change could swallow Louisiana's Tabasco island

With thousands of square miles of land already lost along the coast, Avery Island, home of the famed hot sauce, faces being marooned
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China’s Space Station May Crash to Earth on April Fools’ Day

China’s Space Station May Crash to Earth on April Fools’ Day

Experts predict the abandoned space station, Tiangong-1, will fall back to Earth around this weekend. But the risk to anyone on the ground is almost nil.
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Christopher Steele's Other Report: A Murder In Washington

Christopher Steele's Other Report: A Murder In Washington

The author of the famous Trump dossier provided a secret report to the FBI asserting that RT founder Mikhail Lesin was bludgeoned to death by thugs hired by an oligarch close to Putin. Three other sources independently told the FBI the same basic story, contradicting the government’s finding that Lesin’s death was accidental.
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The Lessons of a School Shooting–in 1853

The Lessons of a School Shooting–in 1853

How a now-forgotten classroom murder inflamed the national gun argument. By Saul Cornell.
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Monday 26 March 2018

Not rude, just French: fired waiter claims discrimination

Not rude, just French: fired waiter claims discrimination

A French waiter fired for being "aggressive, rude and disrespectful" says his behavior wasn't out of line -- he's simply, well, French. The restaurant, operated by Cara Operations, accused Rey of violating its code of conduct and said he persisted in his behavior.
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Deadly Fire at Kemerovo Russian Shopping Mall | Pictures

Deadly Fire at Kemerovo Russian Shopping Mall | Pictures

A fire at a shopping mall in Kemerovo. At least 64 people were killed by a fire which engulfed a busy shopping mall in the Siberian city of Kemerovo, Russian investigators said on Monday.
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California has a plan to police Facebook

California has a plan to police Facebook

If passed by the legislature and signed into law by governor Jerry Brown, the new agency would be an important step toward reining in the power of technology companies. By Chase Purdy.
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247,977 stories in the Vacant City, priced out of reach for most

247,977 stories in the Vacant City, priced out of reach for most

There’s a hidden city in the five boroughs.
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Keep the pennies – they are worth millions of pounds, charities say

Keep the pennies – they are worth millions of pounds, charities say

Scrapping 1p and 2p coins will damage fundraising for smaller charities, sector warns
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Sunday 25 March 2018

The Small Scottish Isle Leading the World in Electricity

The Small Scottish Isle Leading the World in Electricity

Some 1.3 billion people lack regular access to electricity. With its reliable independent grid powered by wind, water and solar, a remote Scottish island could point to a solution.
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Gaddafi’s ghost haunts walking-dead King Sarko

Gaddafi’s ghost haunts walking-dead King Sarko

The 'Liberator of Libya' turned on the Colonel in 2011, but it seems the former French president's ascendancy owed much to the late dictator's beneficence. By Pepe Escobar.
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Asia could run out of fish by 2048, UN reports

Asia could run out of fish by 2048, UN reports

In Asia, there will be no fish stocks for commercial fishing by 2048 if trends continue. That's one of the projections made by four new United Nations scientific reports on biodiversity that showed the Earth is losing plants, animals and clean water at a dramatic rate.
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The Kingdom of Bantar Gebang

The Kingdom of Bantar Gebang

By Alexandre Sattler // Towering mountains of malodorous, contaminated waste dominate the horizon, and among them, hundreds of families make their living. One young girl had the chance to leave the landfill and to gain an education. Now she has chosen to return, determined to change the lives of those children less fortunate than her.
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Gymnastics - 6 Amazing French Gymnasts

Gymnastics - 6 Amazing French Gymnasts

Some beautiful French gymnasts and gymnastics.
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A Brief History of Surveillance in America

A Brief History of Surveillance in America

With wiretapping in the headlines and smart speakers in millions of homes, historian Brian Hochman takes us back to the early days of eavesdropping.
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Saturday 24 March 2018

Venezuela's Empty Shelves | Pictures

Venezuela's Empty Shelves | Pictures

A woman looks for groceries and goods in a supermarket in Caracas.
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How Israel Rules The World Of Cyber Security

How Israel Rules The World Of Cyber Security

U.S. intelligence agencies accuse Russia of hacking the 2016 presidential election, a Ben Ferguson travels to Tel Aviv to find out how Israel is on its way to becoming the world's top cyber superpower.
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‘The Trains Are Slower Because They Slowed the Trains Down’

‘The Trains Are Slower Because They Slowed the Trains Down’

Internal New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority documents show everything we thought we knew about subway delays was wrong. By Aaron Gordon.
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Six Emotions You Had No Clue Actually Had Names

Six Emotions You Had No Clue Actually Had Names

Let us help you label these hidden desires, anxieties, and itches, so you'll be prepared during any future therapy sessions or police interrogations. By Kathy Benjamin.
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The Bike-Share Oversupply in China: Huge Piles of Abandoned and Broken Bicycles

The Bike-Share Oversupply in China: Huge Piles of Abandoned and Broken Bicycles

Gigantic piles of impounded, abandoned, and broken bicycles have become a familiar sight in many Chinese cities, after a rush to build up its new bike-sharing industry vastly overreached.
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Thursday 22 March 2018

The Secret Cherry taking over Canada

The Secret Cherry taking over Canada

Able to survive temperatures as low as -40C, Saskatchewan’s prairie cherries are tarter than traditional sweet cherries and can be eaten straight from the tree.
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Why bland American beer is here to stay

Why bland American beer is here to stay

The unique role of the temperance movement in US history might explain why, when it comes to Americans' tastes, bland beer is still king.
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Ivanka Trump Now Sitting in as Secretary of State

Ivanka Trump Now Sitting in as Secretary of State

Ivanka Trump will sit in for now-fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at a meeting with the South Korean Foreign Minister.
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The Legacy of the Iraq War

The Legacy of the Iraq War

The invasion is no longer just one of the great crimes of this or any age – it's become a crossroads event in the history of America's decline. By Matt Taibbi.
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Wednesday 21 March 2018

Voltaire and the Buddha

Voltaire and the Buddha

Donald S. Lopez, Jr. looks at Voltaire's early reflections on Buddhism and how, in his desire to separate the Buddha's teachings from the trappings of religion, the French Enlightenment thinker prefigured an approach now familiar in the West.
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In Europe, 14 people die each day from unsafe water

In Europe, 14 people die each day from unsafe water

Data shows that 57 million people in Europe do not have piped water at home.
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Titanium, zircon industry could blossom out of Alberta oilsands waste

Titanium, zircon industry could blossom out of Alberta oilsands waste

After several years and nearly $100 million of research and testing, engineers say they have developed new technology to extract valuable metals from waste products in the Alberta oilsands.
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'Catastrophe' as France's bird population collapses due to pesticides

'Catastrophe' as France's bird population collapses due to pesticides

Dozens of species have seen their numbers decline, in some cases by two-thirds, because insects they feed on have disappeared
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China’s New Frontiers in Dystopian Tech

China’s New Frontiers in Dystopian Tech

Facial-recognition technologies are proliferating, from airports to bathrooms.
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Tuesday 20 March 2018

Plight of Phoenix: how long can the world’s 'least sustainable' city survive?

Plight of Phoenix: how long can the world’s 'least sustainable' city survive?

Set deep in the Valley of the Sun, the lush and sprawling ‘megapolis’ has a problem – the rivers
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Nearly 20% of women inmates in Japan’s prisons are seniors

Nearly 20% of women inmates in Japan’s prisons are seniors

Shoplifting has become something of a lifeline for Japan's elderly population. As Bloomberg reports, nearly one in five women in prison is 65 or older. These elderly women commit minor crimes in order to escape poverty and solitude. Often, women are repeat offenders so that they can return to prison once they are released. To serve...
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Waterfall from behind wilderness

Waterfall from behind wilderness

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Animal Collective announce 'Sung Tongs' 2018 world tour

Animal Collective announce 'Sung Tongs' 2018 world tour

Openers include Laraaji and Lonnie Holley.
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A Mental Disease by Any Other Name

A Mental Disease by Any Other Name

For Frank Russell, reinterpreting his schizophrenia as shamanism helped his symptoms. By Susie Neilson.
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Monday 19 March 2018

The World's Oldest Centre of Learning

The World's Oldest Centre of Learning

Since the 9th Century, the old Fez medina has drawn scholars, imams and intellectuals to pass through its doors in hope of discovering what ancient knowledge the city holds.
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Sunday 18 March 2018

This Michigan Farmhouse is One of the World’s Greenest Homes

This Michigan Farmhouse is One of the World’s Greenest Homes

Burh Becc at Beacon Springs, outside Ann Arbor, is just the second home in the world to meet the Living Building Challenge.
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