Saturday 30 June 2018

Louisiana’s Angola: Proving ground for racialized capitalism

Louisiana’s Angola: Proving ground for racialized capitalism

When the U.S. Civil War ended, Edward A. Pollard “of Virginia” immediately wrote a history of Confederate military operations—The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates—where he insisted that human slavery was immune from moral blame for the just concluded conflict...
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2018 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year

2018 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year

See the winning photos from the 2018 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year.
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The Best Coral Reefs in the World

The Best Coral Reefs in the World

Oceans are incredible creation. They have a fascinating mix of beautiful underwater garden, colorful marine life, and exhilarating sea creatures. Coral reefs, in particular, are not only exquisite but also helps balance the planet Earth’s rich ecosystem. They generate half of the Earth’s oxygen and absorb nearly one-third of the carbon dioxide. We listed some of the best coral reefs in the world!
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Friday 29 June 2018

Rewriting history in the People's Republic of Amnesia and beyond

Rewriting history in the People's Republic of Amnesia and beyond

The French historian Ernest Renan said: "Forgetting … is a crucial factor in the creation of the nation." In contemporary China, it’s put into practice with surgical skill. Specific memories of events deemed sensitive by the state are not just forgotten, they are winnowed out and selectively deleted. The Communist Party has succeeded in hacking the collective memory.
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Wednesday 27 June 2018

The unlikely home of the world’s smallest desert

The unlikely home of the world’s smallest desert

Although scientists dispute its legend, the minuscule Carcross Desert in Canada is a world wonder by any measure.
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Thursday 21 June 2018

When Southern Newspapers Justified Lynching

When Southern Newspapers Justified Lynching

Montgomery’s new lynching memorial provides an opportunity to reflect on the role newspapers played in this gruesome chapter of America’s history.
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Wednesday 20 June 2018

The end to a French cheese tradition?

The end to a French cheese tradition?

After years of lobbying, industrial producers are now allowed to make camembert with pasteurised milk. As a result, one of France’s beloved cheeses may be disappearing – for good.
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Monday 18 June 2018

Invasive plant found in Virginia: It 'makes poison ivy look like a walk in the park'

Invasive plant found in Virginia: It 'makes poison ivy look like a walk in the park'

An invasive species of Asian plant that can cause blindness is turning up in Virginia, prompting warnings for people to be on the lookout for a 15-foot-tall herb topped with fluffy white flowers.
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Amusing Ourselves to Death: Huxley vs Orwell

Amusing Ourselves to Death: Huxley vs Orwell

On the accuracy of George Orwell's predictions about future society over those of Aldous Huxley. It's informative and scary at the same time. "In short, Orwell feared that what we hate would ruin us. Huxley that what we love will ruin us." It's unfortunate that Huxley got it right because the latter is much less obvious. By Scott McMillen.
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Sunday 17 June 2018

Friday 15 June 2018

'No flamingos around here': Meet one of the world's only croquet ball manufacturers

'No flamingos around here': Meet one of the world's only croquet ball manufacturers

It's a sport that conjures up royals and manicured English gardens, but Australia's only croquet ball maker works his magic a world away in a Humpty Doo shed near a croc-infested river in the Top End.
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Thursday 14 June 2018

FIFA World Cup 2018: Notable teams that failed to qualify

FIFA World Cup 2018: Notable teams that failed to qualify

As shocking as it was for the U.S. men's national soccer team to not qualify for the 2018 World Cup, it was far from being the most shocking World Cup qualifying failure of them all.
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Wednesday 13 June 2018

The warrior queen who 'achieved the incredible'

The warrior queen who 'achieved the incredible'

How does a ruler defeat bloodthirsty invaders, secure a kingdom and lay the foundations for England - and then almost get written out of history? Be a woman, that's how. Exactly 1,100 years after her death Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians, is emerging from the shadows. Born into a tooth-and-nail war for survival against Viking invaders, Aethelflaed, daughter of Alfred the Great, grew up in a realm teetering on the brink of disaster.
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Tuesday 12 June 2018

Tim Miller can find almost anyone. Can he find his daughter’s killer?

Tim Miller can find almost anyone. Can he find his daughter’s killer?

A man in Texas helps police find missing people. He’s spent three decades working on the hardest, coldest case of all: his daughter’s murder. Has he finally solved it?
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Saturday 9 June 2018

We Talked To 18 Teachers In Oklahoma Calling It Quits (HBO)

We Talked To 18 Teachers In Oklahoma Calling It Quits (HBO)

Teachers in Oklahoma have been doing more with less for over a decade now: state funding for schools has decreased over 25 percent in the last 10 years, the state ranks ranks dead last in teacher pay, and almost a quarter of its school districts transitioned to a four-day school week to save money on things like electricity and janitor hours. Earlier this year, 30,000 teachers walked out of their classrooms in an effort to change on that.
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Thursday 7 June 2018

Kim Jong Un is reportedly extremely afraid of assassination around the Trump summit — and he's right to be

Kim Jong Un is reportedly extremely afraid of assassination around the Trump summit — and he's right to be

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reportedly fears being assassinated on his way to Singapore to meet with President Donald Trump, a trip that will take him further outside of his country than he's been since taking power in 2011. Kim is "extremely worried about security at the summit and is fearful of assassination attempts," Bloomberg quoted two sources familiar with the talks as saying.
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Wednesday 6 June 2018

Daddy Dearest

Daddy Dearest

Mao’s face is still everywhere in modern China. But now Xi Jinping is ready for his close-up.
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Italy: The Center Cannot Hold

Italy: The Center Cannot Hold

For a generation, acceptance of the neoliberal doctrine that “there is no alternative” has paralyzed politics in the West. But what is the meaning of politics if there's no alternative to the resulting Authoritarian Center, asks Diana Johnstone.
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Tuesday 5 June 2018

May You Live In Interesting Times

May You Live In Interesting Times

Chinese Curse? Austen Chamberlain? Frederic R. Coudert? Joseph Chamberlain? Diplomatic Staff? Albert Camus? Arthur C. Clarke? Robert F. Kennedy? Hillary Rodham Clinton?
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