Thursday 30 August 2018

Silver Coins Lead to One of the Earliest Roman Sites in Yorkshire

Silver Coins Lead to One of the Earliest Roman Sites in Yorkshire

The dig site found by metal detectorists 3 years ago appears to be a high-status homestead that once had two villas
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Air pollution causes ‘huge’ reduction in intelligence, study reveals

Air pollution causes ‘huge’ reduction in intelligence, study reveals

Air pollution causes a “huge” reduction in intelligence, according to new research, indicating that the damage to society of toxic air is far deeper than the well-known impacts on physical health. The research was conducted in China but is relevant across the world, with 95% of the global population breathing unsafe air. It found that high pollution levels led to significant drops in test scores in language and arithmetic, with the average impact equivalent to having lost a year of the person’s education.
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Why Are Puffins Vanishing? The Hunt for Clues Goes Deep (Into Their Burrows)

Why Are Puffins Vanishing? The Hunt for Clues Goes Deep (Into Their Burrows)

Overfishing, hunting and pollution are putting pressure on the birds, but climate change may prove to be the biggest challenge.
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Wednesday 29 August 2018

For $450, This Japanese Company Will Quit Your Job For You

For $450, This Japanese Company Will Quit Your Job For You

Workers in Japan who want to leave their jobs — but don't want to face the stress of quitting in person — are turning to a company called Exit.
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Miami Will Be Underwater Soon. Its Drinking Water Could Go First

Miami Will Be Underwater Soon. Its Drinking Water Could Go First

“There will always be drinking water here. It’s just a question of how much you want to pay for it.”
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Tuesday 28 August 2018

The Demography of the Alt-Right

The Demography of the Alt-Right

A year ago, the so-called Alt-Right (short for "alternative right" and the latest manifestation of the U.S. white nationalist movement) made international headlines in its infamous "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, VA. The rally led to dozens of serious injuries and the death of one counter-protester... By The Institute for Family Studies.
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How Bill Browder Became Russia’s Most Wanted Man

How Bill Browder Became Russia’s Most Wanted Man

The hedge-fund manager has offered a fable for why the West should confront Putin.
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The Story of the American Inventor Denied a Patent Because He Was a Slave

The Story of the American Inventor Denied a Patent Because He Was a Slave

The world of invention is famous for its patent disputes. But what happens when your dispute wasn’t with another inventor but whether the Patent Office saw you as a person at all? In 1864, a black man named Benjamin T. Montgomery tried to patent his new propeller for steamboats. The Patent Office said that he wasn’t allowed to patent his invention. All because he was enslaved.
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A Jolt To The Jugular! You’re Insured But Still Owe $109K For Your Heart Attack

A Jolt To The Jugular! You’re Insured But Still Owe $109K For Your Heart Attack

A Texas teacher, 44, faces a “balance bill” of almost twice his annual salary for a heart attack he never expected to have.
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Monday 27 August 2018

Sunday 26 August 2018

国际锐评: What Russia is doing to counter the new round of American sanctions

国际锐评: What Russia is doing to counter the new round of American sanctions

Russia's President Vladimir Putin is already making big moves to honor his re-election commitment to defend the country from the impact of American sanctions.
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I Worked With Richard Russell at Horizon Air, and I Understand Why He Did What He Did

I Worked With Richard Russell at Horizon Air, and I Understand Why He Did What He Did

I was surprised to wake up last Saturday morning to the headlines. Not completely shocked, but surprised nonetheless. By Todd Bunker.
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Saturday 25 August 2018

How American gambler won US$1 billion on Hong Kong horses

How American gambler won US$1 billion on Hong Kong horses

In the 1980s and 90s, computer nerd Bill Benter did the impossible: he wrote an algorithm that beat the unpredictability of the racetrack, winning big in the process. By Kit Chellel. (June 17, 2018)
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Friday 24 August 2018

Latest TPP a parade of corporate favours masquerading as free trade

Latest TPP a parade of corporate favours masquerading as free trade

Bad for workers, bad for taxpayers, bad for the environment, bad for Australia. The latest iteration of the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a boon for multinational corporations, writes Patricia Ranald.
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How the Film and Television Blacklists Worked

How the Film and Television Blacklists Worked

In most cases, often for legal reasons and fear of reprisals from unions, industry officials denied the existence of a formal blacklist. Instead, the entertainment industries relied on lists compiled by such private citizen groups as… By Richard A. Schwartz.
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The Murder of Mill Town, USA

The Murder of Mill Town, USA

Norma Rae was a lie. By Nick Martin.
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Thursday 23 August 2018

Russian trolls 'spreading discord' over vaccine safety online

Russian trolls 'spreading discord' over vaccine safety online

Study discovered several accounts, now known to belong to the same Russian trolls who interfered in the US election, tweeting about vaccines
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I Was Detained At [Israel’s] Ben Gurion Airport Because Of My Beliefs

I Was Detained At [Israel’s] Ben Gurion Airport Because Of My Beliefs

By detaining me, the Israeli government reminded us that if we want to be proud of our future, we’ll have to fight for it. By Peter Beinart.
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A Journey Through Contested Lands

A Journey Through Contested Lands

Six photographers went out into remote regions around the world where indigenous communities are waging unseen battles against governments and commercial interests to remain on their ancestral land. Here's what they found.
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Making plans for a new world order

Making plans for a new world order

Germany now sees the current trans-Atlantic antipathy as a historic opportunity to redefine the EU's role, writes Germany's foreign minister. By Heiko Maas.
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The Abandoned, Apocalyptic Architecture of One Bold 1970s Retail Chain

The Abandoned, Apocalyptic Architecture of One Bold 1970s Retail Chain

It's the end of the world as we know it, and Best Products is having a sale.
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Monday 20 August 2018

Asperitas Clouds Over New Zealand

Asperitas Clouds Over New Zealand

What kind of clouds are these? Although their cause is presently unknown, such unusual atmospheric structures, as menacing as they might seem, do not appear to be harbingers of meteorological doom. Formally recognized as a distinct cloud type only last year, Asperitas clouds can be stunning in appearance, unusual in occurrence, and are relatively unstudied. Whereas most low cloud decks are flat bottomed, asperitas clouds appear to have significant vertical structure underneath.
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Apps face fine if terror lingers for hour

Apps face fine if terror lingers for hour

The European Commission is planning stricter rules for social media companies.
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Five questions about Nazi Germany and how it relates to Australian politics today

Five questions about Nazi Germany and how it relates to Australian politics today

Nazi, fascist, socialist, ultra right-wing - these terms seem to be bandied about a lot these days. But what do they really mean?
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Sunday 19 August 2018

Guna Yala: The islands where women make the rules

Guna Yala: The islands where women make the rules

In the small indigenous territory of Guna Yala off Panama’s eastern coast, a flourishing ‘third gender’ community is defying stereotypes – and venerating women. As our old, rickety sailboat glides effortlessly over the calm waters of the Caribbean, I am overwhelmed by the feeling we’ve just arrived in paradise. Scattered across the turquoise blue waters, the tiny islands of glistening white sand, covered in palm trees and green coconuts, look too perfect to be real.
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How Uber, valued at billions, was sent packing by a start-up in Singapore

How Uber, valued at billions, was sent packing by a start-up in Singapore

It brought us services such as UberX, UberPool and UberPet. For millions of commuters worldwide, Uber has changed the face of transport, allowing people to find rides with an ease previously unheard of. From a start-up in 2009, it has grown into one of the world’s most valuable private technology companies, valued at some US$62 billion (S$85 billion) today.
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Is It Possible To Fit the Civil War Into a Single Chart? Here's One Beautiful Attempt.

Is It Possible To Fit the Civil War Into a Single Chart? Here's One Beautiful Attempt.

This chart, digitized by the Library of Congress, depicts major battles, troop losses, skirmishes, and other events in the American Civil War....The “Scaife Synoptical Method,” advertised at the top of the timeline, aimed to fit as much information as possible into a single chart.
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The New Exiles

The New Exiles

By denying access to its critics, Israel is turning its back on Jewish Americans. Peter Beinart’s detention at Ben Gurion Airport should be a wake-up call. By Sofie Werthan.
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Saturday 18 August 2018

This Black Woman Was Once the Biggest Star in Jazz. Here’s Why You’ve Never Heard of Her

This Black Woman Was Once the Biggest Star in Jazz. Here’s Why You’ve Never Heard of Her

Hazel Scott was a piano prodigy who wowed the worlds of music, TV and film. But when she stood up for her rights, the establishment took her down. By Lorissa Rinehart.
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Love and Death in Mississippi

Love and Death in Mississippi

Eric Solomon considers Mississippi’s HB 1523 & Zawadski v. Brewer Funeral Services in light of SCOTUS’s Masterpiece Cakeshop decision.
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The Decline of the Civil War Re-enactor

The Decline of the Civil War Re-enactor

The 155th anniversary Gettysburg re-enactment was a snapshot of a hobby with dwindling ranks.
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Friday 17 August 2018

Toxic algae and dead animals: The destruction of Florida's red tide in pictures

Toxic algae and dead animals: The destruction of Florida's red tide in pictures

Residents are battling illness, plummeting tourist numbers and piles and piles of dead fish. By Katherine Hignett.
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Aretha Franklin on Adele, Taylor Swift and Divas

Aretha Franklin on Adele, Taylor Swift and Divas

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Yemen: the world looks away

Yemen: the world looks away

Deutsche Welle Documentary
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One Million Muslim Uighurs Have Been Detained by China, the U.N. Says. Where’s the Global Outrage?

One Million Muslim Uighurs Have Been Detained by China, the U.N. Says. Where’s the Global Outrage?

China’s campaign against its minority Uighur population is a campaign of ethnic cleansing justified by “war on terror” rhetoric.
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Australians who won’t unlock their phones could face 10 years in jail

Australians who won’t unlock their phones could face 10 years in jail

The Australian government wants to increase the criminal penalty for refusing to decrypt data from 2 years to 10 years.
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The rare blue the Mayans invented

The rare blue the Mayans invented

The colour survives in the work of 17th Century Spanish colonial painters, a symbol of the wealth that ultimately doomed the Mayans, writes Devon Van Houten Maldonado.
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What Trauma Docs Know

What Trauma Docs Know

At Chicago’s most intense ERs, the degree of mayhem rivals that of a war zone. Working there can take a heavy toll—and yield immense rewards. By Kim Bellware, Illustrations by Amrita Marino.
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Ford’s Corktown costs coming in at $740M

Ford’s Corktown costs coming in at $740M

This includes the acquisition and renovation of the train station and the book depository, construction of a new building, and constructing two new parking decks.
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