Sunday 30 June 2019

One Casualty of the Palm Oil Industry: An Orangutan Mother, Shot 74 Times

One Casualty of the Palm Oil Industry: An Orangutan Mother, Shot 74 Times

Indonesia has promised to stop clearing jungle for plantations. So why are endangered apes still on the front lines of the conservation battle?
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Saturday 29 June 2019

What if Hawaii Missile Message was a Hack?

What if Hawaii Missile Message was a Hack?

What if the missile warning to residents in Hawaii 18 months ago wasn't a "miscommunication" but a hack done by North Korea? Researchers show how easy it is to spoof an emergency alert.
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What It's Like To Be A Queer Sex Blogger In Homophobic Russia

What It's Like To Be A Queer Sex Blogger In Homophobic Russia

Sasha Kazantseva runs a blog that's teaching Russian women to take back their bodies.
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Friday 28 June 2019

Why are million of Chinese people trying to get back inside Beijing's digital firewall?

Why are million of Chinese people trying to get back inside Beijing's digital firewall?

Many Chinese people find that when they go overseas and leave behind the Great Firewall, they crave a return to the heavily censored content they're accustomed to consuming online.
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A Genetic Ghost Hunt: What Ancient Humans Live On In Our DNA?

A Genetic Ghost Hunt: What Ancient Humans Live On In Our DNA?

When the Neanderthal genome was first sequenced in 2010 and compared with ours, scientists noticed that genes from Homo neanderthalensis also showed up in our own DNA. The conclusion was inescapable: Our ancestors mated and reproduced with another lineage of now-extinct humans who live on today in our genes.
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Marxist Minds: At Party School, China grooms future leaders

Marxist Minds: At Party School, China grooms future leaders

In a secretive school in China's capital rows of students face a giant video projection of Xi Jinping, making careful notes on the lecture on their leader's guiding principles. Sitting in red-covered chairs in a school dotted with statues of late Chinese leaders, being groomed.
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Thursday 27 June 2019

California’s mighty predator — the mountain lion — faces ‘extinction vortex’

California’s mighty predator — the mountain lion — faces ‘extinction vortex’

As the mountain lions of Southern California approach what some experts call an “extinction vortex,” environmentalists are demanding protective status.
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Tuesday 25 June 2019

The ‘Forgotten’ US Shootdown of Iranian Airliner Flight 655­

The ‘Forgotten’ US Shootdown of Iranian Airliner Flight 655­

On the rare occasions the US mainstream media refer to the US shootdown of an Iranian airliner in 1988, they sustain the myth it was simply a "mistake".
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Cuba’s generosity after Chernobyl

Cuba’s generosity after Chernobyl

Letters: Havana treated victims of the catastrophe for free, writes Doreen Weppler-Grogan
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The Best Road Trips in North America

The Best Road Trips in North America

From the Canadian Kootenay Rockies to Southwest hot springs, we found the most scenic stretches of road for epic summer adventures
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How Oxford university shaped Brexit — and Britain’s next prime minister

How Oxford university shaped Brexit — and Britain’s next prime minister

Simon Kuper returns to the place where Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt began their climb to power.
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Monday 24 June 2019

A Strange New Blend of Rock and Plastic Is Forming on a Portuguese Island

A Strange New Blend of Rock and Plastic Is Forming on a Portuguese Island

If you go to the beach, you’re likely to see some form of plastic pollution scattered in the waves or sprinkled among the sand grains. A bottle cap fragment here, a transparent piece of packaging there. But researchers have identified a new, and perhaps more permanent type of plastic pollution, one that incorporates itself right into the rocky shoreline: “plasticrust,” a veneer of plastic encrusted right onto wave-licked rocks.
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Tory Cuts

Tory Cuts

Jeremy Hunt had the nerve to call local councils ‘hidden victims of the cuts’, noticing that hospitals have been forced to prolong patient stays at great expense because of the disappearance of community care: ‘that wasn’t a smart move.’ No shit, Sherlock. By Tom Crewe.
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The Unimaginable Reality of American Concentration Camps

The Unimaginable Reality of American Concentration Camps

The debate over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s use of the term “concentration camp” is not about language or facts. It is about how we perceive history, ourselves, and ourselves in history. By Masha Gessen.
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Sunday 23 June 2019

A socially acceptable form of murder: honour killings in Russia’s North Caucasus

A socially acceptable form of murder: honour killings in Russia’s North Caucasus

Most of the time, an individual is not acting alone, but on the authority of an all-male ‘family council’
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Japan is trying really hard to persuade women to start having babies again

Japan is trying really hard to persuade women to start having babies again

To do that, it's putting in place the kinds of family-friendly policies experts say are needed around the world.
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After Decades Of Demanding China 'Respect' US Patent Law, Senator Rubio Pushes Law That Says US Can Ignore Huawei Enforcing Patents

After Decades Of Demanding China 'Respect' US Patent Law, Senator Rubio Pushes Law That Says US Can Ignore Huawei Enforcing Patents

For well over a decade we've discussed the short-sightedness of the US repeatedly demanding that China "respect" US intellectual property, because China has only turned that around on the US, and used Chinese patents as a way to block American competitors from entering the Chinese market.
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British arms sales to Saudi Arabia deemed unlawful, but now the hard work begins

British arms sales to Saudi Arabia deemed unlawful, but now the hard work begins

The onus is on MPs to ensure the government respects a legal ruling criticising the export of weapons used in Yemen
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This robot "duck" could help Japanese rice farmers keep paddy fields clear of weeds

This robot "duck" could help Japanese rice farmers keep paddy fields clear of weeds

It’s just a prototype for now.
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US launched cyber attack on Iranian rockets and missiles – reports

US launched cyber attack on Iranian rockets and missiles – reports

Targeted strike on computer-controlled weapons of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard had been planned over weeks
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Jeremy Cunt, er, Hunt Compilation - News Thing

Jeremy Cunt, er, Hunt Compilation - News Thing

The definitive compilation of all the newsreaders that have "accidentally" mispronounced Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt's name.
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Saturday 22 June 2019

AOC’s Critics Are Pretending Not to Know How Language Works

AOC’s Critics Are Pretending Not to Know How Language Works

A great deal of communication is based on metaphor.
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Lies They Told Us: A Long History of Being Manipulated Into War

Lies They Told Us: A Long History of Being Manipulated Into War

Before we retaliate over drone and oil tanker attacks, take a look at all the times we've been duped. By Robert W. Merry.
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Prisons Are Banning Books That Teach Prisoners How to Code

Prisons Are Banning Books That Teach Prisoners How to Code

Oregon prisons have banned dozens of books about technology and programming, like 'Microsoft Excel 2016 for Dummies,' citing security reasons. The state isn't alone.
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Aussie sex workers were kicked off American websites so they built their own

Aussie sex workers were kicked off American websites so they built their own

What happens when your community is no longer welcome on the internet? For Australian sex workers, that's been the reality for almost one year. The Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) made online platforms like Facebook and Google liable for any content that advertised sex work, even consensual work.
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Friday 21 June 2019

Massachusetts Can Become a National Leader to Stop Face Surveillance

Massachusetts Can Become a National Leader to Stop Face Surveillance

Massachusetts has a long history of standing up for liberty. Right now, it has the opportunity to become a national leader in fighting invasive government surveillance. Lawmakers need to hear from the people of Massachusetts to say they oppose government use of face surveillance.
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Smoke on the Water: What We Can Learn 50 Years After Cleveland's Apocalyptic Burning River

Smoke on the Water: What We Can Learn 50 Years After Cleveland's Apocalyptic Burning River

In June 1969, a fire on Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River—the last in a series of big blazes spanning decades—spurred the government to make sweeping environmental changes that altered the course of the country. By Vince Guerrieri.
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How modern life is transforming the human skeleton

How modern life is transforming the human skeleton

From the emergence of a spiky growth at the back of some people’s skulls to the enigmatic finding that our elbows are getting narrower, our bones are changing in surprising ways
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Thursday 20 June 2019

Say Hello to China's New Model for Controlling Hong Kong

Say Hello to China's New Model for Controlling Hong Kong

Writer Simon Lau Sai Leung says the extradition bill is the nail in the coffin for Hong Kong’s autonomy under "One Country, Two Systems."
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What Is Juneteenth, How Is It Celebrated, and Why Does It Matter?

What Is Juneteenth, How Is It Celebrated, and Why Does It Matter?

Juneteenth isn’t the "other" Independence Day, it is the Independence Day. By Jameelah Nasheed.
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‘If we don’t burn it, nature will’: Georgia blazes old fears, leads nation in prescribed fire

‘If we don’t burn it, nature will’: Georgia blazes old fears, leads nation in prescribed fire

In the face of more intense and frequent wildfires, federal land managers consider adopting burning practices the Southeast has been successfully using for decades. By Maya Miller, Samantha Max.
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The Forgotten Operating System That Keeps the NYC Subway System Alive

The Forgotten Operating System That Keeps the NYC Subway System Alive

Vintage technology has powered the innards of the NYC subway system for decades—and sometimes, it surfaces in interesting ways. This one’s for you, OS/2 fans. By Andrew Egan.
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UK Porn Block Could be a Ticking 'Privacy Timebomb'

UK Porn Block Could be a Ticking 'Privacy Timebomb'

The Open Rights group claims that the BBFC's Age-verification Certificate Standard provides little safety assurance to people who watch porn in the UK.
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Study: LA Is Leaking Talent Faster Than Every Other Top Tech Hub

Study: LA Is Leaking Talent Faster Than Every Other Top Tech Hub

72% of LA's software engineering grads on AngelList left the area for their first job, compared to just 34% of Bay Area grads. Here's how LA can recover.
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Wednesday 19 June 2019

'They didn't look old enough': who filled a French art gallery with fakes?

'They didn't look old enough': who filled a French art gallery with fakes?

Last year, a museum dedicated to the work of Étienne Terrus revealed most of its paintings were probably not by him. How did they get there?
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Tuesday 18 June 2019

How New York’s Skyline Is Changing to Give the Wealthy a Better View

How New York’s Skyline Is Changing to Give the Wealthy a Better View

New Yorkers are witnessing a boom of luxury residential buildings, which some see as a sign of the city’s wealth gap.
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A bridge made of grass

A bridge made of grass

The annual remaking of the last remaining Inca rope bridge at Q'eswachaka in Peru.
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The poisons released by melting Arctic ice

The poisons released by melting Arctic ice

Toxic chemicals, anthrax - even nuclear waste - could be unleashed by global warming
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China 'harvesting organs from Falun Gong prisoners'

China 'harvesting organs from Falun Gong prisoners'

China is murdering members of the Falun Gong spiritual group and harvesting their organs for transplant, a panel of lawyers and experts found.
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Monday 17 June 2019

Above NYC - Filmed in 12K

Above NYC - Filmed in 12K

Phil Holland, Gotham Film Works
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Bored at work? Your brain is trying to tell you something.

Bored at work? Your brain is trying to tell you something.

We constantly seek new information to keep our minds sharp.
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The Poisons Released by Melting Arctic Ice

The Poisons Released by Melting Arctic Ice

Toxic chemicals, anthrax - even nuclear waste - could be unleashed by global warming
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Washington state takes step forward on missing Native American women

Washington state takes step forward on missing Native American women

Native American women and girls disappear at twice the per-capita rate of white Americans. Many still do not have answers as to what happened to their mothers, aunts, sisters, daughters. Some said they felt failed by authorities; they had been made to wait days by police to report a loved one’s disappearance or had their pleas for help ignored altogether.
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10 reasons why Finland's education system is the best

10 reasons why Finland's education system is the best

No standardized tests, no private schools, no stress. Finland's education system is consistently ranked best in the world. Why isn't America copying it?
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Drone Over Hong Kong Protests

Drone Over Hong Kong Protests

Team Blacksheep
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Sunday 16 June 2019

Subway History: How OS/2 Powered The NYC Subway For Decades

Subway History: How OS/2 Powered The NYC Subway For Decades

Vintage technology has powered the innards of the NYC subway system for decades—and sometimes, it surfaces in interesting ways. This one’s for you, OS/2 fans.
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Ancient manuscripts bring Buddha one step closer

Ancient manuscripts bring Buddha one step closer

A team is restoring cigar-like ancient manuscripts that pre-date other Buddhist relics by more than a millennium.
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Why do millions of Indians defecate in the open?

Why do millions of Indians defecate in the open?

Shannti Dinnoo reports from Delhi on why India faces a big problem of open defecation?
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