Saturday 30 November 2019

Taiwan is making democracy work again. It's time we paid attention

Taiwan is making democracy work again. It's time we paid attention

Social media has opened up vast social divisions and brought democracy to its knees. In Taiwan, the people are fighting back
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9 Most Romantic Places To Visit In Gdańsk (Poland): For Lovers, Couples

9 Most Romantic Places To Visit In Gdańsk (Poland): For Lovers, Couples

You are welcome to my list of the top most romantic places to visit in Gdańsk, a port city on the Baltic coast of Poland. At the center of its Main Town, reconstructed after WWII, are the colorful facades of Long Market, now home to shops and restaurants. Nearby is Neptune Fountain, a 17th-century symbol of the city topped by a bronze statue of the sea god. Gdańsk is also a center for the world’s amber trade; boutiques throughout the city sell the ossified resin.
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Friday 29 November 2019

We Discovered Toilet Sloths And Found Hell

We Discovered Toilet Sloths And Found Hell

We have seen the depths of hell, and it is a sloth. A cheerful-faced, slow-moving two-toed sloth, peering out of its comfortable position, snugly ensconced in... a human toilet.
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Thursday 28 November 2019

"Go and make the best game that you possibly can" – How Microsoft is helping to evolve Wasteland 3

"Go and make the best game that you possibly can" – How Microsoft is helping to evolve Wasteland 3

What impact will Microsoft have on the renaissance of the cRPG? That's a question that many have been unable – or otherwise unwilling – to confront for some time now. With Wasteland 3 set to launch of May 19, 2020, that question will be answered one way or the other.
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Wednesday 27 November 2019

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Canadians dying at a higher rate in areas with more air pollution

Canadians dying at a higher rate in areas with more air pollution

Air pollution—even at levels below national and international air quality guidelines—is associated with an increased risk of deaths in Canada, according to new UBC research.
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Sunday 24 November 2019

The Jungle Prince of Delhi

The Jungle Prince of Delhi

For 40 years, journalists chronicled the eccentric royal family of Oudh, deposed aristocrats who lived in a ruined palace in the Indian capital. It was a tragic, astonishing story. But was it true?
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Friday 22 November 2019

This Japanese hotel room costs $1 a night. The catch? You have to livestream your stay

This Japanese hotel room costs $1 a night. The catch? You have to livestream your stay

When 27-year-old Tetsuya Inoue began running the Fukuoka, Japan hotel owned by his grandmother, he wondered how he could improve business in the new economy.
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Open water replaces sea ice as the autumn norm in Western Arctic

Open water replaces sea ice as the autumn norm in Western Arctic

Open water has become the November norm in the Chukchi Sea northwest of Alaska. Instead of thick, years-old ice, researchers are studying waves and how they may pummel the northern Alaska coastline.
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Case of Australian prisoner sentenced and jailed in secret prompts calls to reconsider law reform

Case of Australian prisoner sentenced and jailed in secret prompts calls to reconsider law reform

The fluke public discovery of a man imprisoned in secret has prompted a call to revisit reform of secrecy law, almost 10 years since the last major inquiry occurred.
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Thursday 21 November 2019

Did Neanderthals make eagle talon necklaces 120,000 years ago?

Did Neanderthals make eagle talon necklaces 120,000 years ago?

The evidence is indirect, but a recent find suggests the answer may be "yes."
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Antarctic tests will prepare this rover for a possible trip to an icy ocean moon

Antarctic tests will prepare this rover for a possible trip to an icy ocean moon

Exploring a distant moon usually means trundling around its uniquely inhospitable surface, but on icy ocean moons like Saturn's Enceladus, it might be better to come at things from the bottom up.
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Wednesday 20 November 2019

What America Lost When It Lost the Bison

What America Lost When It Lost the Bison

By migrating in huge herds, bison behave like a force of nature, engineering and intensifying waves of spring greenery that other grazers rely on.
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Tuesday 19 November 2019

Ghost ships, crop circles, and soft gold: A GPS mystery in Shanghai

Ghost ships, crop circles, and soft gold: A GPS mystery in Shanghai

A sophisticated new electronic warfare system is being used at the world’s busiest port. But is it sand thieves or the Chinese state behind it?
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Monday 18 November 2019

Sunday 17 November 2019

Saturday 16 November 2019

The Russian vegans cooking up a revolution

The Russian vegans cooking up a revolution

Meet the people for whom meatless food is a force for political and social change.
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China perfected fake meat centuries before the Impossible Burger

China perfected fake meat centuries before the Impossible Burger

Long before Impossible Burgers, China had been making delicious "fake meat" dishes out of mushrooms, nuts and vegetables. Find out what the Chinese knew before the rest of us caught ontainted.
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Sunday 10 November 2019

Stanford scientists link Neanderthal extinction to human diseases

Stanford scientists link Neanderthal extinction to human diseases

Complex disease transmission patterns could explain why it took tens of thousands of years after first contact for our ancestors to replace Neanderthals throughout Europe and Asia.
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Friday 8 November 2019

Russia Today is Putin’s weapon of mass deception. Will it work in Britain?

Russia Today is Putin’s weapon of mass deception. Will it work in Britain?

Anyone making the journey to Westminster by public transport will be confronted by a series of posters warning them about the state of British media. The word ‘redacted’ is in large letters, and…
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Thursday 7 November 2019

Dolly Parton Is an Actual Angel

Dolly Parton Is an Actual Angel

Dorothy Parton's Imagination Library now mails more than one million books per month across the U.S., Australia, Britain, Canada and Ireland
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Tuesday 5 November 2019

Hoglets 'too light to hibernate' after wet summer

Hoglets 'too light to hibernate' after wet summer

A wildlife centre in Leicestershire says it is "overwhelmed" with the numbers of underweight hoglets.
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