Saturday 29 February 2020

Coronavirus Could Break Iranian Society

Coronavirus Could Break Iranian Society

The government has refused to impose quarantines and is encouraging people to visit the city of Qom, the center of the outbreak.
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How Hindu supremacists are tearing India apart

How Hindu supremacists are tearing India apart

The long read: For seven decades, India has been held together by its constitution, which promises equality to all. But Narendra Modi’s BJP is remaking the nation into one where some people count as more Indian than others
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Wednesday 26 February 2020

Study dates Victorian volcano that buried a human-made axe 34,000 years ago

Study dates Victorian volcano that buried a human-made axe 34,000 years ago

Fresh evidence shows two prominent south-west Victorian volcanoes, Budj Bim and Tower Hill, erupted at least 34,000 years ago and that people were in the area before those eruptions.
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Tuesday 25 February 2020

How the Coronavirus Revealed Authoritarianism’s Fatal Flaw

How the Coronavirus Revealed Authoritarianism’s Fatal Flaw

China’s use of surveillance and censorship makes it harder for Xi Jinping to know what’s going on in his own country.
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Monday 24 February 2020

There's a huge fight over reclining your airline seat. Is capitalism to blame?

There's a huge fight over reclining your airline seat. Is capitalism to blame?

Recline or don’t recline – it’s your call. But remember: the greed of airlines in shrinking space to reap profits makes them the true villains
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Sunday 23 February 2020

Saturday 22 February 2020

Friday 21 February 2020

Bloomberg Bankrolls a Social-Media Army to Push Message

Bloomberg Bankrolls a Social-Media Army to Push Message

The effort is launching ahead of California’s March 3 primary and is one of the most unorthodox yet, blurring the lines between traditional campaign organizing and the distribution of sponsored content.
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Wednesday 19 February 2020

Monday 17 February 2020

Did coronavirus originate in Chinese government laboratory?

Did coronavirus originate in Chinese government laboratory?

A new bombshell paper from the Beijing-sponsored South China University of Technology says that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control could have spawned the contagion in Hubei.
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This Chinese Factory Makes $100,000 Architectural Models!

This Chinese Factory Makes $100,000 Architectural Models!

Today we're visiting RJ Models, one of the top architectural model making factories in China. And it's amazing! It's a blend of high tech computerized tools like laser cutters, CNC mills, and high end 3d printers alongside old fashioned meticulous hand model making by skilled craftsmen. And the scale is unbelievable - 500 employees!
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Why were two Mexican butterfly activists found dead?

Why were two Mexican butterfly activists found dead?

Relatives and co-workers live in fear after two monarch butterfly activists were found dead in Mexico.
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Sunday 16 February 2020

Why Witchcraft Is on the Rise

Why Witchcraft Is on the Rise

Americans’ interest in spell-casting tends to wax as instability rises and trust in establishment ideas plummets.
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Saturday 15 February 2020

Why so many of the world’s oldest companies are in Japan

Why so many of the world’s oldest companies are in Japan

The country has 33,000 businesses at least a century old. How have so many survived – and what does it mean for Japan’s future?
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Friday 14 February 2020

Antarctic temperature rises above 20C for first time on record

Antarctic temperature rises above 20C for first time on record

The Antarctic has registered a temperature of more than 20C (68F) for the first time on record, prompting fears of climate instability in the world’s greatest repository of ice. The 20.75C logged by Brazilian scientists at Seymour Island on 9 February was almost a full degree higher than the previous record of 19.8C, taken on Signy Island in January 1982.
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Thursday 13 February 2020

'Ghost' DNA In West Africans Complicates Story Of Human Origins

'Ghost' DNA In West Africans Complicates Story Of Human Origins

Modern genomes from Nigeria and Sierra Leone show signals that scientists call "ghost" DNA — from an unknown human ancestor. That means that prehistoric humans likely procreated with an unknown group.
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Wednesday 12 February 2020

New study an eye-opener on how coronavirus is spreading and how little we know

New study an eye-opener on how coronavirus is spreading and how little we know

A study published Friday in the medical journal JAMA found that 41% of the first 138 patients diagnosed at one hospital in Wuhan, China, were presumed to be infected in that hospital.
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Japan’s Lost-and-Found System Is Insanely Good

Japan’s Lost-and-Found System Is Insanely Good

If you misplace your phone or wallet in Tokyo, chances are very good that you’ll get it back. Here’s why.
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China's Hacking Spree Will Have a Decades-Long Fallout

China's Hacking Spree Will Have a Decades-Long Fallout

Equifax. Anthem. Marriott. OPM. The data that China has amassed about US citizens will power its intelligence activities for a generation.
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The T. Rex may be the King of Lizards, but its new cousin is the "Reaper of Death"

The T. Rex may be the King of Lizards, but its new cousin is the "Reaper of Death"

The "Reaper of Death" is Canada's first new tyrannosaurus species in 50 years.
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Tuesday 11 February 2020

10 of Europe’s most scenic train journeys

10 of Europe’s most scenic train journeys

To kick off our new Interrail competition, in which the writer of the best rail tip wins two first-class train passes worth up to £768, here’s our pick of Europe’s most scenic journeys
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Sunday 9 February 2020

Friday 7 February 2020

An ancient skeleton from an underwater Mexican cave sheds light on early Americans

An ancient skeleton from an underwater Mexican cave sheds light on early Americans

A nearly 10,000-year-old skeleton discovered in a submerged Mexican cave provides more clues to how and when people settled the Americas.
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Wednesday 5 February 2020

Arctic permafrost thaw plays greater role in climate change than previously estimated

Arctic permafrost thaw plays greater role in climate change than previously estimated

Abrupt thawing of permafrost will double previous estimates of potential carbon emissions from permafrost thaw in the Arctic, and is already rapidly changing the landscape and ecology of the circumpolar north, a new CU Boulder-led study finds. 
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Tuesday 4 February 2020

NSW and Victoria just jumped 1.8 metres north

NSW and Victoria just jumped 1.8 metres north

On New Year’s Day, NSW and Victoria jumped north by 1.8 metres – while the rest of the country remained firmly fixed in place.
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Ancient human IQ can't be measured in the brain, but somewhere else — study

Ancient human IQ can't be measured in the brain, but somewhere else — study

How did human intelligence evolve? Anthropologists have studied this question for decades by looking at tools found in archaeological digs, evidence of the use of fire, and so on, and changes in brain size measured from fossil skulls.
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Media 'impartiality' on climate change is ethically misguided and downright dangerous

Media 'impartiality' on climate change is ethically misguided and downright dangerous

Given the summer we have had, media acquiescence in climate change denial, and failure to follow the weight of scientific evidence, looks like culpability.
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Monday 3 February 2020

How Feral Pigs Took Over Your Country

How Feral Pigs Took Over Your Country

In Texas alone you'd have to kill almost two million pigs per year to contain “the worst invasive species we’ll ever see.”
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A Battle to Protect Forests Unfolds in Central Africa

A Battle to Protect Forests Unfolds in Central Africa

Indigenous people, environmentalists and industries vie for control over lands that can offer economic benefits or climate protection — but not always both.
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Coronavirus outbreak: what’s next?

Coronavirus outbreak: what’s next?

Experts weigh up the best- and worst-case scenarios as the World Health Organization declares a global health emergency.
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Coronavirus Panic Buys Into Racist Ideas About How Chinese People Eat

Coronavirus Panic Buys Into Racist Ideas About How Chinese People Eat

The outbreak has had a decidedly dehumanizing effect, reigniting old strains of racism and xenophobia that frame Chinese people as uncivilized, barbaric "others"
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Sunday 2 February 2020

Feds Ban Chinese-Made Drones Over Spying Fears. Could Your Drone Be Next?

Feds Ban Chinese-Made Drones Over Spying Fears. Could Your Drone Be Next?

The U.S. Department of Interior essentially banned Chinese-made drones and drone parts because of the fear of these drones’ potential to be used for spying. The new no-fly rule is explicitly aimed at foreign drones and the only exceptions would be for responding to natural disasters or other emergencies.
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MEPs vote for universal charging cable for mobiles

MEPs vote for universal charging cable for mobiles

The decision will anger Apple which has argued against such a decision.
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