Monday 30 March 2020

Neanderthals Feasted on Seafood, Seabirds, Perhaps Even Dolphins

Neanderthals Feasted on Seafood, Seabirds, Perhaps Even Dolphins

Scientists say that a discovery in a seaside Portuguese cave further challenges popular images of Neanderthals as meat-eating brutes.
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Brazil’s Bolsonaro makes life-or-death coronavirus gamble

Brazil’s Bolsonaro makes life-or-death coronavirus gamble

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Even as coronavirus cases mount in Latin America’s largest nation, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has staked out the most deliberately dismissive position of any major...
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Wednesday 25 March 2020

Monday 23 March 2020

Japan’s Museum of Rocks With Faces

Japan’s Museum of Rocks With Faces

If you’re ever in Japan, consider a trip to Chineskikan, located two hours outside Tokyo in the city of Chichibu. The peculiar museum is the only one of its kind, dedicated entirely to rocks that look like human faces. Owned and operated by Yoshiko Hayama, Chineskikan is home to some of the most spectacular stones nature has to offer, with rocks that resemble everyone from Elvis Presley to E.T. Following in her father’s footsteps, Hayama is preserving the legacy of “jinmenseki,” continuing the search for rocks that resemble human faces.
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Saturday 21 March 2020

The Worst Crash In Racing History Compelled A Racing Driver To Invent This Ubiquitous Safety Equipment

The Worst Crash In Racing History Compelled A Racing Driver To Invent This Ubiquitous Safety Equipment

Sometimes you need to slow down, and for that, we have brakes. Sometimes you need to slow down right the fuck now, and for that, we have impact attenuators.
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Wednesday 18 March 2020

Sunday 15 March 2020

On-nomi is the new Japanese term for drinking online

On-nomi is the new Japanese term for drinking online

Supposedly driven by the virus crisis, On-nomi (オン飲み, “Drinking on[line]”) is the practice of getting together with friends on the internet and having a drink together.
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Facebook takedowns reveal sophistication of Russian trolls

Facebook takedowns reveal sophistication of Russian trolls

Facebook and Twitter revealed evidence Thursday suggesting that Russian efforts to interfere in the U.S. presidential election are getting more sophisticated and harder to detect.
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Sunday 8 March 2020

Saturday 7 March 2020

If Nearly all Airbnb Reviews are Positive, Does that Make them Meaningless?

If Nearly all Airbnb Reviews are Positive, Does that Make them Meaningless?

Peer-to-peer business models rely on interpersonal communication for their success. In this article, we focus on Airbnb – an exemplar of the so-called ‘sharing economy’ – and more specifically, on Airbnb’s reciprocal reviewing system, which enables
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Friday 6 March 2020

What Happened When Tulsa Paid People to Work Remotely

What Happened When Tulsa Paid People to Work Remotely

The first class of hand-picked remote workers moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, in exchange for $10,000 and a built-in community. The city might just be luring them to stay.
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Wednesday 4 March 2020

Deceit, Disrepair and Death Inside a Southern California Rental Empire

Deceit, Disrepair and Death Inside a Southern California Rental Empire

At the bottom rung of the SoCal rental market, some tenants live in insect- and mold-infested units, struggling to get their most basic maintenance needs met.
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Monday 2 March 2020

How North Korean Hackers Rob Banks Around the World

How North Korean Hackers Rob Banks Around the World

They scored $80 million by tricking a network into routing funds to Sri Lanka and the Philippines and then using a "money mule" to pick up the cash.
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