Thursday 30 April 2020

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Palaeontologists reveal 'the most dangerous place in the history of planet Earth'

Palaeontologists reveal 'the most dangerous place in the history of planet Earth'

100 million years ago, ferocious predators, including flying reptiles and crocodile-like hunters, made the Sahara the most dangerous place on Earth.
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Tuesday 28 April 2020

The Black Death led to the demise of feudalism. Could this pandemic have similar repercussions?

The Black Death led to the demise of feudalism. Could this pandemic have similar repercussions?

We’ve been here before: a pandemic, income inequality, economic stagnation and climate change brought down Medieval Europe
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Power is 'up for grabs': Behind China's plan to shape the future of next-generation tech

Power is 'up for grabs': Behind China's plan to shape the future of next-generation tech

China is set to release a new plan this year called "China Standards 2035" with the aim of influencing how the next-generation of technologies will work.
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Thursday 23 April 2020

Scientists Discover a New Compound in Medieval Ink That Was Once Lost to Time

Scientists Discover a New Compound in Medieval Ink That Was Once Lost to Time

Across the Mediterranean region, in fields and on roadsides, thrives a small plant with silvery leaves. It doesn't look like much, and in many cases it's an annoying weed. But in the Middle Ages, Chrozophora tinctoria was highly prized.
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Angela Merkel’s Scientific Background Could Save Germany

Angela Merkel’s Scientific Background Could Save Germany

The chancellor’s rigor in collating information, her honesty in stating what is not yet known, and her composure are paying off.
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Saturday 18 April 2020

Why False Claims About COVID-19 Refuse to Die - Issue 84: Outbreak - Nautilus

Why False Claims About COVID-19 Refuse to Die - Issue 84: Outbreak - Nautilus

Early in the morning on April 5, 2020, an article appeared on the website Medium with the title “Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its secret.” The article claimed that the pathology of COVID-19 was completely different from what public health authorities, such as the World Health Organization, had previously described. According to the author, COVID-19 strips the body’s hemoglobin of iron, preventing red blood cells from delivering oxygen and damaging the lungs in the process.
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China suffers worst economic drop since '70s in virus battle

China suffers worst economic drop since '70s in virus battle

BEIJING (AP) — China suffered its worst economic contraction since since at least the 1970s in the first quarter as it fought the coronavirus, and weak consumer spending and factory activity...
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Friday 17 April 2020

Michigan's Ex-Gov. Rick Snyder Knew About Flint's Toxic Water—and Lied About It

Michigan's Ex-Gov. Rick Snyder Knew About Flint's Toxic Water—and Lied About It

Six years after the city of Flint, Michigan, began using a toxic water source that sickened its residents, VICE uncovered payoffs, the silencing of a whistleblower, a shady financial deal, a coverup, and the former governor who presided over it all.
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Friday 10 April 2020

Coronavirus Is a Once in a Lifetime Chance to Reshape How We Travel

Coronavirus Is a Once in a Lifetime Chance to Reshape How We Travel

After the pandemic, will there be a sharp uptake in cinema, church, pub, or restaurant visits, or will people have changed their habits for good?
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I was bored, so I watched the movie that astronauts must view before launch

I was bored, so I watched the movie that astronauts must view before launch

Sometime Wednesday, perhaps around the time this article is published, NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy and his two Russian crew mates—Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner—will repair to their quarantine crew quarters for movie night in the Cosmonaut Hotel.
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Archaeologists Discover Paintings of Goddess in 3,000-Year-Old Mummy's Coffin

Archaeologists Discover Paintings of Goddess in 3,000-Year-Old Mummy's Coffin

Researchers lifted the ancient Egyptian mummy out of her coffin for the first time in 100 years and, to their surprise, uncovered the ancient artworks
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Thursday 9 April 2020

New Data Shows U.S. Companies Are Definitely Leaving China

New Data Shows U.S. Companies Are Definitely Leaving China

Global manufacturing consulting firm Kearney says U.S. manufacturers are indeed leaving China. Here's the evidence.
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Only 9 of the world’s top 100 billionaires have gotten richer during the coronavirus pandemic — and all of them are Chinese

Only 9 of the world’s top 100 billionaires have gotten richer during the coronavirus pandemic — and all of them are Chinese

In just two months, the masters of the economic universe have lost more than $400 billion.
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The Chinese Government Has Convinced Its Citizens That the U.S. Army Brought Coronavirus to Wuhan

The Chinese Government Has Convinced Its Citizens That the U.S. Army Brought Coronavirus to Wuhan

“Sadly most Chinese people really believe the U.S. brought the virus to China and they call it ‘USA virus,’” Lucy, a 45-year-old Chinese American who recently returned to China to take care of her parents, told VICE News.
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Wednesday 8 April 2020

Dairy farmers dumping milk as demand drops | CBC News

Dairy farmers dumping milk as demand drops | CBC News

Some Ontario dairy farmers have been told to dump their excess milk as COVID-19 closures have caused the demand for dairy products to drop drastically.
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Sunday 5 April 2020

Saturday 4 April 2020

How Alberta completely eradicated rats from the province by declaring war on rodent hordes

How Alberta completely eradicated rats from the province by declaring war on rodent hordes

The result is that Alberta is a magical land where rats never destroy vegetable gardens and nobody gets diseased from rat droppings in their attic
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Friday 3 April 2020

Here's How China Is Rewriting the History of the Coronavirus Pandemic to Make Itself the Hero

Here's How China Is Rewriting the History of the Coronavirus Pandemic to Make Itself the Hero

The Chinese government has waged a months-long disinformation campaign to portray itself as the country that defeated the virus, when it attempted to hide it for months.
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Thursday 2 April 2020

Russia ban on iPhones, computers without government mandated apps postponed

Russia ban on iPhones, computers without government mandated apps postponed

New legislation in Russia that will mandates all smartphones, computers and smart televisions to have Russian-made software pre-installed has been postponed, with provisions not kicking in until January 2021.
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