Friday 26 June 2020

What the Dutch can teach the world about remote work

What the Dutch can teach the world about remote work

The Netherlands may have figured out something about working from home (pandemic or no) that the rest of the world has yet to learn.
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Sunday 21 June 2020

The Scientist and the Spy — intellectual property and industrial espionage - The China Story

The Scientist and the Spy — intellectual property and industrial espionage - The China Story

In the current climate of escalating competition and tension between the United States and China on the technology front, Mara Hvistendahl’s The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and Industrial Espionage is a very timely book that illuminates the various facets of the nexus between intellectual property protection, industrial espionage and national security.
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Saturday 20 June 2020

Seafood helped prehistoric people migrate out of Africa, study reveals

Seafood helped prehistoric people migrate out of Africa, study reveals

A study, led by the University of York, has examined fossil reefs near to the now-submerged Red Sea shorelines that marked prehistoric migratory routes from Africa to Arabia. The findings suggest this coast offered the resources necessary to act as a gateway out of Africa during periods of little rainfall when other food sources were scarce.
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Friday 19 June 2020

Tuesday 16 June 2020

13 Virtual Festivals and Events This Summer

13 Virtual Festivals and Events This Summer

Summer festivals are going digital, and that could be an opportunity to tune in to otherwise inaccessible events.
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Sunday 14 June 2020

Spies Can Eavesdrop by Watching a Light Bulb's Vibrations

Spies Can Eavesdrop by Watching a Light Bulb's Vibrations

The so-called lamphone technique allows for real-time listening in on a room that's hundreds of feet away.
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Big Money Bought the Forests. Small Logging Communities Are Paying the Price.

Big Money Bought the Forests. Small Logging Communities Are Paying the Price.

Wall Street investment funds took control of Oregon’s private forests. Now, wealthy timber corporations reap the benefits of tax cuts that have cost rural counties billions.
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Sunday 7 June 2020

An 18-Year-Old Said She Was Raped While In Police Custody. The Officers Say She Consented.

An 18-Year-Old Said She Was Raped While In Police Custody. The Officers Say She Consented.

When Anna said she was raped by two on-duty cops, she thought it would be a simple case. She had no idea she lived in one of 35 states where officers can claim a detainee consented.
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