Thursday 29 April 2021

The Little-Known Story of 19th-Century America’s Partisan Warfare

The Little-Known Story of 19th-Century America’s Partisan Warfare

In a new book, Smithsonian curator Jon Grinspan examines the history of America's furious and fractious politics
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Daisugi, the 600-Year-Old Japanese Technique of Growing Trees Out of Other Trees, Creating Perfectly Straight Lumber

Daisugi, the 600-Year-Old Japanese Technique of Growing Trees Out of Other Trees, Creating Perfectly Straight Lumber

Necessity being the mother of invention, this led to the creation of an ingenious solution: daisugi, the growing of additional trees, in effect, out of existing trees
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Egyptologists uncover rare tombs from before the Pharaohs

Egyptologists uncover rare tombs from before the Pharaohs

Egyptian archaeologists working on the Nile Delta have uncovered dozens of rare predynastic tombs dating to the period before Egypt's Pharaonic kingdoms first emerged more than 5,000 years ago.
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Wednesday 28 April 2021

Meet 5 of Australia’s tiniest mammals, who tread a tightrope between life and death every night

Meet 5 of Australia’s tiniest mammals, who tread a tightrope between life and death every night

One mammal, the long-tailed planigale, can weigh less than a 10-cent coin. But it's ferocious, bringing down far larger prey with persistent, savage biting to the head and neck
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Monday 26 April 2021

Ishi-no-Hoden: Japan’s Colossal Floating “Anti-epidemic” Megalith

Ishi-no-Hoden: Japan’s Colossal Floating “Anti-epidemic” Megalith

Ishi-no-Hoden is one of Japan's most mysterious and bewildering monuments, a gigantic stone structure in the shape of an old tube TV almost 6 meters (20 ft) high and 500 tons (560 US tons) in weight that seems to float over a pond in the city of Takasago, Hyogo Prefecture.
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Women Are Battling China’s Angry Trolls. The Trolls Are Winning.

Women Are Battling China’s Angry Trolls. The Trolls Are Winning.

As online attacks against Chinese feminists intensify, popular social media companies are responding by removing the women — not the abusers — from their platforms.
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Saturday 24 April 2021

The Incredible Rise of North Korea’s Hacking Army

The Incredible Rise of North Korea’s Hacking Army

The country’s cyber forces have raked in billions of dollars for the regime by pulling off schemes ranging from A.T.M. heists to cryptocurrency thefts. Can they be stopped?
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'Creative' genes gave Homo sapiens edge over Neanderthals: study

'Creative' genes gave Homo sapiens edge over Neanderthals: study

Researchers have discovered a series of creativity-linked genes that may have given Homo sapiens a significant edge over Neanderthals, enabling them to avoid extinction.
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Florida Family Indicted for Selling Toxic Bleach as Fake “Miracle” Cure for Covid-19 and Other Serious Diseases, and for Violating Court Orders

Florida Family Indicted for Selling Toxic Bleach as Fake “Miracle” Cure for Covid-19 and Other Serious Diseases, and for Violating Court Orders

The Grenons were manufacturing MMS in a shed. Officers seized dozens of blue chemical drums containing nearly 10,000 pounds of sodium chlorite powder, thousands of bottles of MMS, and other items used in the manufacture and distribution of MMS.
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In the tombs of Saqqara, new discoveries are rewriting ancient Egypt’s history

In the tombs of Saqqara, new discoveries are rewriting ancient Egypt’s history

Seated in a yellow plastic laundry basket attached to two thick ropes, I was lowered into the earth. The light got dimmer, the temperature colder. A musty smell filled the air. The only sound was from the workmen above handling the ropes and yelling “shweya” — slowly.
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New U.S. Civil War as a security threat for the Baltic Region

New U.S. Civil War as a security threat for the Baltic Region

Recently the U.S. marked the 160th anniversary of the beginning of the American Civil War. The death toll was put at about 750,000 soldiers, including those who died from accident, disease and starvation. Most civil wars do not spring up overnight, and the American Civil War was no exception. After so many years this conflict continues to matter, America’s wounds have yet to heal and the nation is again divided between people who want a multiracial democracy in which every American is allowed ...
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The science of bushfires is settled (part 2)

The science of bushfires is settled (part 2)

Eucalypts are incinerators from hell dressed up as trees. - I don't know where part 1 went. I also added some triumphal music to listen to as you read this. It is somewhat over the top!
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Friday 23 April 2021

Monday 19 April 2021

The Mystery Deepens Over Why The Lost City of Cahokia Was Abandoned

The Mystery Deepens Over Why The Lost City of Cahokia Was Abandoned

For a couple of hundred years, Cahokia was the place to be in what is now the US state of Illinois. The bustling, vibrant city was at one time home to some 15,000 people, but by the end of the 14th century it was deserted
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Shadow warrior: Benjamin Netanyahu takes a dangerous gamble with Iran

Shadow warrior: Benjamin Netanyahu takes a dangerous gamble with Iran

Israel’s prime minister is creating a climate of fear and crisis as his best hope for holding on to power
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Sunday 18 April 2021

Thursday 8 April 2021

Sweden’s Pandemic Experiment

Sweden’s Pandemic Experiment

When the coronavirus arrived, the country decided not to implement lockdowns or recommend masks. How has it fared?
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Monday 5 April 2021

The Jewish Roots of Old Bay Seasoning

The Jewish Roots of Old Bay Seasoning

Old Bay is more than just your favorite spice — it’s a story of the discrimination that Jewish immigrants faced, their perseverance against such hate, and their contribution to the American identity and kitchen.
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Lyrebirds: Lyre, lyre, dancefloor on fire

Lyrebirds: Lyre, lyre, dancefloor on fire

Triple Blue is a superb lyrebird stud muffin.
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Sunday 4 April 2021

Hungary egg decorator brings new spin on ancient craft

Hungary egg decorator brings new spin on ancient craft

With lace-like etchings and carvings made with a hand drill, the decorative egg art of Hungarian artist Tunde Csuhaj is bringing a different spin on an ancient handicraft popular at Easter.
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Saturday 3 April 2021

This News Publisher Quit Facebook. Readership Went Up

This News Publisher Quit Facebook. Readership Went Up

Many media outlets feel they need to be on Facebook to reach people. So why did New Zealand's biggest news publisher decide to go it alone?
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Thursday 1 April 2021