Monday 31 May 2021

The beginner's guide to arcade culture in Japan

The beginner's guide to arcade culture in Japan

He's fresh from a shopping holiday in Japan and Dan Taipua has seen some awesome, awesome shit. In the 2nd and final part of this series he passes on all that he has learnt to any retro game tourists thinking of hitting the Japanese arcades.
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Sunday 30 May 2021

Modi Never Bought Enough COVID-19 Vaccines for India. Now the Whole World Is Paying

Modi Never Bought Enough COVID-19 Vaccines for India. Now the Whole World Is Paying

“India’s vaccine nationalism—along with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s empty showboating—not only plunged India into an unexpected vaccine shortage, but also put countries banking on vaccines from India at great risk,” writes Debasish Roy Chowdhury.
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Friday 28 May 2021

A Literal Mouse Plague Is Terrorizing Towns in Eastern Australia Right Now

A Literal Mouse Plague Is Terrorizing Towns in Eastern Australia Right Now

While the rest of the world continues to tackle the global pandemic, in eastern Australia, waves of mice are flooding farms and towns.
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Thursday 27 May 2021

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Monday 24 May 2021

Invasive species costing Africa $3.66 tn a year: study

Invasive species costing Africa $3.66 tn a year: study

Invasive species introduced by human activity are costing African agriculture some $3.66 trillion every year—around 1.5 times the combined gross domestic product of all African countries—new research showed Thursday.
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Friday 21 May 2021

Op-Ed: What can we do to help the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Stay out of it

Op-Ed: What can we do to help the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Stay out of it

What if the pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel camps in the U.S. focused all their rhetoric, political action and funds on reconciliation and justice?
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Thursday 20 May 2021

No more Tony the Tiger on Mexican cereal boxes

No more Tony the Tiger on Mexican cereal boxes

--The new labeling standard went into effect on October 1, and the supermarkets and stores have until April 1 to get rid of products with older cartoon emblazoned packaging.
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Diversity among board directors and officers

Diversity among board directors and officers

Despite decades of gains in the workplace, women continued to be underrepresented in leadership positions within Canada in 2016, especially Indigenous and visible minority women. This infographic examines the diversity among board directors and officers.
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Wednesday 19 May 2021

How China turned a prize-winning iPhone hack against the Uyghurs

How China turned a prize-winning iPhone hack against the Uyghurs

In March 2017, a group of hackers from China arrived in Vancouver with one goal: Find hidden weak spots inside the world’s most popular technologies.  Google’s Chrome browser, Microsoft’s Windows operating system, and Apple’s iPhones were all in the crosshairs. But no one was breaking the law.
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New 'Oregon Trail' Game Revisits Westward Expansion From Native Perspective

New 'Oregon Trail' Game Revisits Westward Expansion From Native Perspective

Developers hired three Indigenous historians to help revamp the iconic educational computer game
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Can Bitcoin Be Weaponized by China?

Can Bitcoin Be Weaponized by China?

To understand whether the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can weaponize Bitcoin, we must first identify what the intended targets of such a weapon would be. The first target would be the US Dollar as the dominant world reserve currency. The CCP could promote the use of Bitcoin as both a reserve asset and a global 24/7 digital settlement network. The reduction in demand for US Dollars abroad would undermine expansionary US fiscal and monetary policy, and enable US adversaries to avoid financial sanctions.
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Tuesday 18 May 2021

Russia Is Going to Try to Clone an Army of 3,000-Year-Old Scythian Warriors

Russia Is Going to Try to Clone an Army of 3,000-Year-Old Scythian Warriors

Good luck with that.
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Who took over for El Chapo after his arrest?

Who took over for El Chapo after his arrest?

Life After El Chapo: Who Took Over Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Loera, former leader of the Sinaloa cartel, considered by the US government to be the mos
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Why US English is a history lesson for the British - BBC Reel

Why US English is a history lesson for the British - BBC Reel

Long before Jamestown or the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Massachusetts in 1620, the US English style of spelling words such as 'honor', 'color', and 'center' were alive and well in British English. Etymologist and broadcaster Susie Dent opens an 'aluminum' can of worms and teaches Brits a thing or two about their shared linguistic heritage. Script and narration: Susie Dent Animation: Dominika Ozynska and Adrian Hartrick
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Monday 17 May 2021

Sunday 16 May 2021

Tareq Baconi | Sheikh Jarrah and After · LRB 14 May 2021

Tareq Baconi | Sheikh Jarrah and After · LRB 14 May 2021

It is true that many of the Palestinians facing forcible transfer from Sheikh Jarrah settled in the neighbourhood after...
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Saturday 15 May 2021

‘Many fans recognise me’: young Chinese quit jobs to be influencers

‘Many fans recognise me’: young Chinese quit jobs to be influencers

A growing number of young people in China have swapped traditional work for professions powered by social media and online marketing.
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Canada creeps towards totalitarianism

Canada creeps towards totalitarianism

A new bill proposing to regulate speech on the internet in Canada is being pushed by our politically center-left Liberal party
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New research finds native forest logging did not worsen the Black Summer bushfires

New research finds native forest logging did not worsen the Black Summer bushfires

Our research is deeply concerning because it signals there are no quick fixes to the ongoing fire crisis afflicting Australia, which is being driven by relentless climate change.
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Friday 14 May 2021

Chomsky: Without US Aid, Israel Wouldn’t Be Killing Palestinians En Masse

Chomsky: Without US Aid, Israel Wouldn’t Be Killing Palestinians En Masse

We must examine the Israeli government's U.S.-backed policy of using strategies of terror to expand its territory.
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New York Police Union Tells NYPD End Of Qualified Immunity Will Force Officers To... Act Lawfully

New York Police Union Tells NYPD End Of Qualified Immunity Will Force Officers To... Act Lawfully

One of the NYPD's unions -- the Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) -- is feeling ways about stuff again. Last month, the New York City Council passed a number of police reforms which included taking away qualified immunity as a defense in...
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New research shows Australian teens have complex views on religion and spirituality

New research shows Australian teens have complex views on religion and spirituality

A new study reveals Australian teenagers do not relate to established ideas on religion and spirituality. Instead, they fall into six broad groups and show great tolerance for others' ideas. This-worldly, Indifferent, Spiritual but not religious, Seekers, Nominally religious, Religiously committed
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Thursday 13 May 2021

Chernobyl's Molten Guts Are Warming Up, And Scientists Don't Know Why

Chernobyl's Molten Guts Are Warming Up, And Scientists Don't Know Why

Slow rise in neutrons stirs concerns about possible “criticality” accident
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Australian Crime Commission: Only Criminals Use Encrypted Communications

Australian Crime Commission: Only Criminals Use Encrypted Communications

Well, someone finally said the quiet part loud: some government officials actually believe the only people who need, want, or use encryption are criminals. Here's Asha Barbaschow with the "encryption is for criminals" news at...
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Wednesday 12 May 2021

Chernobyl Nuclear Area Became an Ecological Success and One of Europe’s Largest Nature Preserves

Chernobyl Nuclear Area Became an Ecological Success and One of Europe’s Largest Nature Preserves

Widely hailed as the worst nuclear accident to ever occur, the 1986 Chernobyl disaster happened during a safety test at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in what was then Soviet Ukraine.
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Tuesday 11 May 2021

From the air they resemble giant Japanese calligraphy, but these outback shapes are evidence of the masters of fire

From the air they resemble giant Japanese calligraphy, but these outback shapes are evidence of the masters of fire

Images intended to help open up the outback to mining following World War II instead deliver a lesson from the last generation of Indigenous people to live in the Great Sandy Desert on how to protect life and the land.
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Monday 10 May 2021

Child's burial 78,000 years ago in Kenya was a Homo sapiens milestone

Child's burial 78,000 years ago in Kenya was a Homo sapiens milestone

It is a scene that exudes sadness: a child perhaps 2-1/2 or 3 years old buried in a shallow grave under the sheltered overhang of a cave, head resting on a pillow and the upper part of the body carefully wrapped in a shroud.
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The 'smart and cheeky' Aboriginal boy teaching Australia a lesson

The 'smart and cheeky' Aboriginal boy teaching Australia a lesson

A film about an Aboriginal boy's experience of school shines a light on Australia's failure to give all children a fair start.
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Thursday 6 May 2021

Archaeologists uncover oldest human burial in Africa

Archaeologists uncover oldest human burial in Africa

‘Quite spectacular’ discovery shows three-year-old child was carefully laid to rest nearly 80,000 years ago
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Wednesday 5 May 2021

Sunday 2 May 2021

Cartographer stumbles upon Sweden's 'most spectacular' trove of Bronze Age treasures on forest floor

Cartographer stumbles upon Sweden's 'most spectacular' trove of Bronze Age treasures on forest floor

Tomas Karlsson thought he saw 'metal garbage' while out updating a map. Turns out it was ancient treasure dating back 2,500 years. 
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Saturday 1 May 2021

Opinion: Africans contribute the least to the climate crisis but suffer the most

Opinion: Africans contribute the least to the climate crisis but suffer the most

The UK creates clean energy systems at home, while shackling poorer nations with dirty fossil fuels – now is the time for rich countries to support Africa’s clean energy transition, writes Mohamed Adow.
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