Tuesday 30 November 2021

A Japanese robot cafe shows how avatars can foster human connection

A Japanese robot cafe shows how avatars can foster human connection

The task of designing solutions for homebound populations is particularly acute in Japan, where over a quarter of its population is unable to work due to physical disabilities, mental illness, or old age
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Sunday 28 November 2021

Ban Private Jets

Ban Private Jets

No one should be able to take a private jet to a climate conference. In fact, no one should be able to take one anywhere at all.
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Abandoned former USSR sites – in pictures

Abandoned former USSR sites – in pictures

In post-USSR Russia and neighbouring states, places now abandoned offer reminders of the region’s turbulent history
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Thursday 25 November 2021

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Dead Sea evaporates as global warming ramps up

Dead Sea evaporates as global warming ramps up

As much as some deny the existence of global warming, the Dead Sea, like Lake Tuz in Turkey, begs to differ.
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Monday 22 November 2021

Sunday Reading: Television in Popular Culture

Sunday Reading: Television in Popular Culture

From The New Yorker’s archive: a selection of pieces about notable shows and how they have helped transform our culture.
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Friday 19 November 2021

Will an Island in Indonesia Become a New Frontier in the Space Race?

Will an Island in Indonesia Become a New Frontier in the Space Race?

An Indigenous clan fears it will lose its place in the world as the government pursues a quest to open a spaceport and lure the billionaire SpaceX founder Elon Musk.
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Tuesday 16 November 2021

Air pollution killed over 300,000 in EU in 2019 — report

Air pollution killed over 300,000 in EU in 2019 — report

New air quality guidelines from the WHO could have saved the lives of almost 180,000 people in 2019, the European Environment Agency has revealed.
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Try, try and try again: why did modern humans take so long to settle in Europe?

Try, try and try again: why did modern humans take so long to settle in Europe?

Homo sapiens migrated to the continent in waves – but the reasons for their early failures to overcome Neanderthals are a mystery
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Wednesday 3 November 2021