Sunday 30 January 2022

The guards caring for Chernobyl's abandoned dogs

The guards caring for Chernobyl's abandoned dogs

The descendants of pets abandoned by those fleeing the Chernobyl disaster are now striking up a curious relationship with humans charged with guarding the contaminated area.
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Sunday 23 January 2022

Ukraine might be far away, but a security crisis in Europe can still threaten Aotearoa New Zealand

Ukraine might be far away, but a security crisis in Europe can still threaten Aotearoa New Zealand

New Zealand’s geographical distance will be no defence against the consequences of a protracted crisis. So why has there been so little discussion about the threats?
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Saturday 22 January 2022

Aranese: Spain's little-known language

Aranese: Spain's little-known language

Geographically, Spain's Val d'Aran should be part of France, but it's neither French, Spanish nor Catalan in culture, history or even language.
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Tuesday 11 January 2022

‘Gone by 2040’: Why some religions are declining in Canada faster than ever

‘Gone by 2040’: Why some religions are declining in Canada faster than ever

Religiosity in Canada is at an all-time low, with recently released data from Statistics Canada showing only 68 per cent of Canadians say they have a religious affiliation.
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Saturday 8 January 2022

Is China ready to host the Winter Olympics?

Is China ready to host the Winter Olympics?

With less than four weeks to go, China is struggling to enforce its strict zero-covid policy, manufacture enough snow for the events and deal with a diplomatic boycott from the United States and its allies.
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Mind-Blowing New Fossil Site Found in The 'Dead' Heart of Australia

Mind-Blowing New Fossil Site Found in The 'Dead' Heart of Australia

The arid heart of Australia may not easily support life now, but once, many aeons ago, it was lush and teeming. What is now arid desert and dry shrub- and grasslands was once thick with dense forests, alive with life.
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Thursday 6 January 2022

The US military is polluting Hawaii’s water supply – and denying it

The US military is polluting Hawaii’s water supply – and denying it

The Hawaiian governor issued an emergency order to de-fuel the Red Hill Facility. The US Navy has enlisted top lawyers to make sure its 600m liters of petroleum stay perched above our water supply
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