Saturday 21 May 2022

Over 100 years of Antarctic agriculture is helping scientists grow food in space

Over 100 years of Antarctic agriculture is helping scientists grow food in space

Scientists just grew plants in soil from the Moon, but Antarctica has long provided researchers with the perfect place to test their agricultural techniques for a future in space.
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Sunday 15 May 2022

Caesar’s favourite herb was the Viagra of ancient Rome. Until climate change killed it off

Caesar’s favourite herb was the Viagra of ancient Rome. Until climate change killed it off

Perfume, tonic – even love potion – silphium was prized by the ancient Romans, but in its success lay the seeds of its own downfall
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Friday essay: how the West discovered the Buddha

Friday essay: how the West discovered the Buddha

From talk of a ‘poisonous doctrine’ to mistaken beliefs that he hailed from Africa, Western thinkers got Buddhism wrong for a long time.
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Thursday 12 May 2022

Why Are People Still Blaming Facebook For Australia’s Terrible News Linking Tax Law?

Why Are People Still Blaming Facebook For Australia’s Terrible News Linking Tax Law?

We’ve talked a fair bit about Australia’s ridiculous “News Bargaining Code,” which is literally nothing more than a tax on Facebook and Google for sending traffic to media organisations, paid to Murdoch.
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