Thursday 31 August 2023

Canada study debunks stereotypes of homeless people’s spending habits

Canada study debunks stereotypes of homeless people’s spending habits

Researchers find homeless people more likely to spend lump sum on housing and food and not ‘temptation goods’ such as alcohol
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Wednesday 23 August 2023

'I know my story. I know my truth': The woman behind Stockholm Syndrome says it's all a lie

'I know my story. I know my truth': The woman behind Stockholm Syndrome says it's all a lie

A 23-year-old bank teller caught up in a siege inspired the psychological term Stockholm syndrome. But 50 years later, experts say Kristin's story is totally misunderstood. 
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Saturday 19 August 2023

Sunday 13 August 2023

Beloved Two-Headed Snake Back on Public Display at Texas Zoo After 2 Years Absence

Beloved Two-Headed Snake Back on Public Display at Texas Zoo After 2 Years Absence

Pancho and Lefty have two brains, and one body, and a lot of fans missed him during his two-year absence: “Come see him any time!”
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Friday 11 August 2023

Sunday 6 August 2023

Remains found in China may belong to third human lineage

Remains found in China may belong to third human lineage

A team of paleontologists has found evidence of a previously unknown human lineage. In their study, reported in Journal of Human Evolution, the group analyzed the fossilized jawbone, partial skull and some leg bones of a hominin dated to 300,000 years ago.
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10 Oldest Civilizations in the World (Updated 2023)

10 Oldest Civilizations in the World (Updated 2023)

Discover the 10 Oldest Civilizations in the World (Updated 2023) here. Prepare to be transported into a rich & fascinating history on the oldest civilizations that exist.
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Who Holds The Title Of The Longest-Surviving Civilization?

Who Holds The Title Of The Longest-Surviving Civilization?

China, Egypt, or Mesopotamia – the title for the longest-lasting civilization is difficult to judge, but here are some of the contenders.
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Thursday 3 August 2023

Meta Begins The Process Of Ending News Links In Canada

Meta Begins The Process Of Ending News Links In Canada

This is not a surprise, because the company made it clear it planned to do exactly this, but Meta has now begun the process of stopping links to news sources from appearing in Canada, something tha…
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‘Denying our humanity’: how Santa Monica decimated a thriving Black community

‘Denying our humanity’: how Santa Monica decimated a thriving Black community

African Americans helped build the iconic beach town, historian Alison Rose Jefferson details as California weighs reparations
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Tuesday 1 August 2023