Friday 24 November 2023

The Oldest Known Burial Site in The World Wasn't Made by Our Species

The Oldest Known Burial Site in The World Wasn't Made by Our Species

Paleontologists in South Africa said they have found the oldest known burial site in the world, containing remains of a small-brained distant relative of humans previously thought incapable of complex behavior.
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The humble spotted gum is a world class urban tree. Here's why

The humble spotted gum is a world class urban tree. Here's why

Tall. Straight. Abundant flowers. And a stunning trunk. What’s not to like about the spotted gum?
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Saturday 11 November 2023

Proposed European Electronic ID Law Raises Concerns

Proposed European Electronic ID Law Raises Concerns

The harmonisation of standards for electronic identification across the EU should normally be soporific enough to send even the most Club-Mate-hyped hacker straight to sleep, but as Computer Weekly…
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